Trouble @ Startup???


HELP needed!!

I've got a dual 450 G4 with 1.12GB ram running Jaguar 10.2.6.

Everytime I startup my machine seems to freeze on the Grey opening screen? I've disconnected everything, run Norton's and Disk Utility from discs but still the problem exists??

The only way I can get my machine to boot up is by pressing the 'RETURN' key a few times in order to help it along?

Does anyone know whats causing this as it's starting to do my head in!!

Hold down Cmd-V when you start up to boot into Verbose Mode, and report any suspicious-looking UNIX messages. If this gets you nowhere, hold down Cmd-S on startup to boot into Single User Mode, and type "fsck -y" at the prompt. Repeat this step until it tells you that nothing is wrong. Then type "restart" (or "reboot," not sure) and see if you're still having problems.
OS X will also allow you to startup in SAFE MODE this is similar to turning off your extensions in MacOS 7, 8 and 9.

As it only loads the Apple Librarys no third party software.

Good Luck

try deleting the PRAM by holding down apple-option-p-r at startup. when the startup chime comes up the second time, it's been erased.
If you delete the PRAM, hold the keys down until you hear the chime 3 or 4 times to make sure you've completely gotten it. Like fsck, it can miss stuff the first time around.