UK iTunes Music store IS NOW LIVE

MacMuppet said:

no Idaho
lots of snow patrol :cool:

Only Final Straw for now though, would be nice to get Polar Bears and When It's Over on too but we'll have to wait for a lot of indie label stuff. Noticed a live session on there too.

I've only bought the new Pixies track so far. Was very excited about finding the first Kaito album but you can only buy it track by track so it's more expensive than usual.
lnoelstorr said:
That sounds a pretty good solution, the only problem is though I want a list that I can access from different computers. Then I can add them to the list whilst at work (on my work PC) and then buy them when I get home (on my Mac).

Well I think that the shopping cart carries over onto different computers if you are using the same account. If it doesn't you could technically buy the songs in a shopping cart on the Windows machine, and then quit before they actually download. Then go home and go to the "Advanced" menu, and select "Check for purchased music", and it would download to the home computer.
well its been up for 3 days now and i still cant find a song i want to download. I wanted to download on eof the black eyed peas new songs - their album actualy featured in jobs speach on tuesday, but the only black eyed peas songs avalible are the ones form their album released in 1998 - which i dont like at all. Also "featured artisits" such as keane and snow patrol only have live songs recordings from@AOL sesions... the store realy sicks and theres no way that thers 700,000 songs on there.. before it was released i look around the american store and found several songs i wanted to download - are they avalible no! and there's absolutly no way that "local" contetnt is making up for the songs which arent listed in the UK, or germany or what ever. Im sooo p'd off -a nd I truly think apple is telling one BIG lie
just found a report on as the apple turns and as well as providing various link to storys from other sources they confirm that 700 000 songs is betwenn all 3 euro stores i.e. each has less than 250 000 although an apple rep aparently each store has around 300 000 to 400 000 but even if they alonly had 300 000 that would make 900 000 - sum how apple's sums just dont add up! its time to get the indies on board n stop being so selfish! this is possibly one of the worst mistakes apple has maid... for me and slot of others (indies make up 22% in the UK) the store is usless and to be honest I think that apple rushed mainly because napster has launched in the UK and sony is going to soon! but if apple doesnt fix this soon - well who knows they certainly wont be braging about a 70% market share in the UK!

oh and one more thing although alot of you may not like them .. i think applr should get atleast some decent content for featured artists like the balack eyed peas before they advertise their "exclusive track" on the iTMS ye i said an exclusive track maybe all download it afetr i get their new song... but no beacuse it was only the songs from their old (1998) album avalible as for keane - dont get me started - the only songs that are avalible are from sesions @AOL and again the're a featured artist - to be honest i think if apple hadn't upheld their AOL deal in the UK, France and germany the store would have about 100 000 songs!
jobsen_ski said:
Also "featured artisits" such as keane and snow patrol only have live songs recordings from@AOL sesions...

Actually there's two versions of Final Straw on there (UK and US).

jobsen_ski said:
Im sooo p'd off -a nd I truly think apple is telling one BIG lie

Chill out. If you remember the US store, there were a lot of tracks added within the first few months. I'm a little annoyed that there's a lot of stuff listed that isn't up yet but I am excited by the things listed (like Cadallaca, woo!) and I know that Apple have had a lot of work getting licences sorted. They really should have sorted something out with AIM by now but there was no way that they'd be able to get a duplicate of the US catalogue straight off. Maybe it's not quite at 100% yet but at least there's a alternative to OD2 finally.
Well, I've bought 4 albums and 3 singles now.

Pretty happy so far - though it is just too easy to buy things.

My one major gripe though is that (for some reason) the volume mounted from my linux box (to which I save my iTunes library as my Mac's hard-drive is too small) failed when I was downloading some tracks and one of the tracks lost the last 30 seconds. Very annoying as I had to then re-buy the track (even though the store knew I'd already bought it!), grrrr! Luckily, all the ones after that downloaded fine (and without paying again) once I'd sorted out the mount.
Hmm, there seem to be THIRTEEN different entires for 'Best of Bowie' in the store. Some priced £7.99, some prices £9.48, and one as a partial album.

They all seem to have slightly different tracks. Some are 2 disc (virtual discs), some are single disc, some seem a complete mess.

How the hell am I supposed to be able to decide which to get? Is this an error or deliberate?
Obviously a trick to get you to buy them all. :p ;)

So there arre some rough spots in the implementation of the iTunes store in europe. Not a surprise. Any new endeavor is bound to have some problems.

The U.S. store wasn't exactly perfect at the start, and the initial library was less than a fourth the size it is now. That has improved and it will for you too.

One thing in your favor: at least Apple tries to improve things. Can the same be said of another U.S. company that operates out of the state of Washington? :D
baldprof said:
One thing in your favor: at least Apple tries to improve things. Can the same be said of another U.S. company that operates out of the state of Washington? :D

Does the government count as a company? Well, I guess the current US one probably does.

ooops, that's not the state of Washington!
Let me explain: that paragon of corporate virtue, Microsoft <Microshaft, Micro$oft, etc.> is headquartered in Redmond, Washington, a suburb of Seattle.
Thus ends today's geography lesson! :D ;)