unable to unmount, eject, repair an external 320gb WD


I tried to use my WD 320gb disk with time machine, while the information was being recorded my lapton run out of power and shut down. Now I´m unable to use the external disk, it appers on the desktop but I cannot eject it (because the computer says the disk is being used) I cannot repair it or erase it using disk utility because an error appears: unable to unmount. I don´t need the information on that disk, I just want to be able to use it again, how can I reformat it? This is the information of the disk:
External HDD:

Capacidad: 298,09 GB
Soporte extraíble: Sí
Unidad extraíble: Sí
Nombre BSD: disk1
Versión: 1.05
Potencia del bus (mA): 500
Velocidad: Hasta 480 Mb/s
Fabricante: Western Digital
Drivers de Mac OS 9: No
Tipo de mapa de particiones: GPT (Tabla de particiones GUID)
ID del producto: 0x0704
Número de serie: 575845333038485631393835
Estado S.M.A.R.T.: Incompatible
ID del fabricante: 0x1058
Time Machine Backups:
Capacidad: 297,77 GB
Disponible: 270,67 GB
Grabable: Sí
Sistema de archivos: Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+
Nombre BSD: disk1s2
Punto de montaje: /Volumes/Time Machine Backups

Try this, turn off time machine in the system prefs, shutdown the laptop, turn off the drive and disconnect it. Start your laptop, once logged in, re-connect drive and power up.
Then try and format with disk utility.

Ed: thanks you for your prompt reply, but I did what you suggested and still was not able to erase or repair the disk, the same error "unable to unmount " appeared. When I open disk utility the disk is shown as a Wd with another disk called Time Machine backups, I am unable to repair anyone of those.
How can I erase everything to start all over again? I tried repairing in other computers, but the same problem. I can´t even eject the disk by taking to the trash.
Anyone, HELP!!!
Ok, do you have a PC you can try the format on?
Is the drive still under warranty?
It possibly sounds like a drive issue.

Ed: thanks again, I can´t make the disk work on a PC, unfortunately its hard for me to make use of the warranty, living in Argentina..

According to Western digital you should be able to get warranty service for that WDC drive in your area-

Distributors in Argentina
Western Digital
Calle Gorriti 5253 - entre Uriarte y Godoy Cruz nº 1
District: Palermo Soho
Cuidad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
Tel/Fax: 54-11-4833-4721

I contacted the distributors and hopefully they will fix the problem, thank you very much for the information you sent, Malena