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Thats so awesome!!!!!!!!!! Jacket that holds an iPod and has controls on the sleeve!!!

Keep all the updates in here.
it's loooking like we'll see an update to all the iApps for sure, and they will all be more tightly integrated with eachother.

iPhoto looks to be greatly improved.
I'm listening to the song choices and to Steve's voice. He's a gifted salesman. I wonder if he practices very much for this? Think he does a couple of rehersals like an actor would?

Safari, interesting product. This one makes the least sense since I don't know what it buys Apple? Will anyone switch because a new browser is available, doubtful. Unless they are going to start charging for it, I don't know how this is a good business move, other than a "because we can" type of thing?
It has the same iApp look, all the buttons are at the top. The page load status is in the url bar, it's Aqua. Sort of a brushed metal IE.
this browser has to be mozilla based. so far it's exactly the same. I wonder what Ed will think if Apple took mozilla code and ran with it? He used to think AOL was really bad (maybe he still does).

Perhaps this illustrates the value of open source?
Originally posted by vanguard
I'm still looking for something that mozilla doesn't do.

hopefully not be bloatware. and be fast, too. I guess I'm optomistic, but it needs to be great to get me away from Chimera.