Updating from 10.2 to 10.4



I currently have an eMac which is running on v. 10.2.8, and I wish to get it updated to a newer version (10.4?) I WANT to use one of the online free downloads from apple.com, like first update with one of the combos that supports my version and keep going to the newer version, but I am not sure if this is the best way to go. I don't want to lose anything important stored on my computer, either, and I'm afraid that I will lose data (documents, iTunes library, etc.) Will the downloads lose this information? What is the best way to update it to Mac OS X v. 10.4? Download or purchase the cd version?

In other words I need advice from an expert computer person or someone who has already done this.

Advice? :confused:
You can't download 10.4, you can only download the free updates from Apple for 10.4.
You have to buy a retail copy of 10.4 (Tiger) to install.

You can just use the upgrade method when you get the Tiger DVD and you won't lose anything.
Update within a 10.x version are free (10.4.1-10.4.9 for Tiger 10.4, 10.3.1-10.3.9 for Panther 10.3).

Upgrades from a 10.x version to another 10.x version (10.2.x-10.3, 10.3.x-10.4) are updates that you have to purchase.

IMO, Apple shouldn't have made the "X" pronounced as "ten" and then add the number 10 in the revision numbering scheme. It's redundant and just adds more confusion, especially when people wonder why a minor revision should have to be purchased (when in fact it's a major revision over the previous version).