Updating Prebindings on every logon!?!?!


I just got my MBP 2.33 about three weeks ago and I've noticed that every time I log on to the system, either from a cold start or just the logon screen, once the desktop is loaded the hard drive continues to thrash.

At first I thought there might be some application or service that was still loading so I checked around but couldn't find anything. I opened up Activity Monitor and found that there was a process called UpdatePreBinding that was running and taking upwards or 11% CPU.

This doesn't happen on my PowerBook G4. Is this something new? I thought that updating the prebindings was something that only needed to be done once in a great while or when troubleshooting odd behavior. Anyone have a fix or at least and idea as to why this is happening?
Updating prebinding is not a bad thing. IIRC, it now occurs after you install new software which tends to be more often than "a great while." However, yours is the first report I have read of such regular updates of prebinding.
Could it be Spotlight indexing the hard drive? Is this the Mac OS X install that came with the computer, or did you recently reformat/reload OS X?
This is the original install that came on the system. I've thought about wiping the drive and installing from scratch just so I have it in my mind that I'm working with a clean system. I don't believe there is anything being indexed by Spotlight. Like I said, in activity manager there is a process that runs called "UpdatePreBinding". This process runs for about a minute. Once the process completes the disk activity ends so I'm fairly certain that this is the culprit. I just can't figure out why this process would run every single time I log in even when nothing has changed on the system. I can log in, let it run, log out, log back in, and it will run again.