Uploading photos


Have you noticed that when you try to upload photos to a social site, i.e. MySpace, and you navitagate to the "iPhoto Library" folder, it is blocked (greyed out)? I end up having to boot up iPhoto, copy the pics to the desktop or a similar tactic, and then upload the picture from there. Is there a way to allow the "iPhoto Library" folder to be treated like any other normal folder? Why aren't we given full permissions to it? After all, we are the owners of the folder and we are the ones who created it. But clicking on that folder seems to automatically boot up iPhoto. DOH!

Starting in iPhoto 08, Apple changed the iPhoto Library folder from being a folder to being a "Package". In fact, if you go and double click on the iPhoto Library, it just launches iPhoto. You have to "right click" to select "Show Package Contents" to browse it. This is why you can't browse to it and open it up.

Never fear, Underdog is here!

Go into your iPhoto Library (via Show Package Contents) and make an "Alias" of your Originals directory or whichever one you want and drag that to your desktop or a location of choice. Now, you can "Browse" to it and upload to your hearts delight.

Stay out of the finder! Apple had good reason to make iPhoto a package -- it was to keep users from mucking about in the library in finder and corrupting their photos! Use the export command or simply drag your photo out of iPhoto app to your desktop to upload to flickr, etc. If you export it, you can choose the size you want, etc. The added benefit is that you get the most recent version of your photo -- no need to look in "modified" or "originals" to get the version you want. Doing anything to/with your photos in the library in finder will create havoc!
I think the goal was to remove the step of having to export the image to be able to easily upload it somewhere or have access via the File Finder dialog box. Apple should just attach the "media" button to the file finder dialog box, then you can fetch those photos directly like you can in Mail.app.