User, Group, & Share Inconsistencies


Hello all,

I'm trying to setup a Samba share on an OS X server and running into some inconsistencies. As near as I can tell, I've got all my users and groups set up properly. In NetInfo, they all seem to have individual UIDs and the correct GIDs, in spite of the fact that none of the users or groups seem to show up in /etc/passwd nor /etc/group at all.

Is there some other place that the user/group info is stored in OS X? Is it somewhere one can access it via Terminal, or is it only accessible through the GUI?

Basically the problem I'm running into is that one member of a particular group cannot access a share that is shared to that group. All the other members of that group can access the share. I'd like to be able to look over the user/group configuration in text form, just to make certain it's all set properly, but don't know where to look outside of the normal *nix places.

Thanks in advance!
Ordinarily, on a *nix system, you'de find your Samba config files in /etc/samba. However, the file you need on OS X should be /private/etc/smb.conf

This is the configuration file for SMB. You can generate shares from within this file (use pico/vim/whatever to edit it). Also, the full O'Reilly Samba manual resides on your machine (Panther at least). You can view it at: /usr/share/swat/using_samba/toc.html or just paste the following into your browser of choice: file:///usr/share/swat/using_samba/toc.html
the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files aren't used by OS X. You can get the netinfo information in the same format with the nidump command.
Okay, thanks for putting me on the right path.

Now where the heck does nidump place the dump files? Man netinfo doesn't say . . .
It dumps them to its standard output. The nidump manpage should tell you what you need to know