Using an iMac as display for another comp?


Hey guys, I got a nice shiny Windows 7 Asus laptop with Radeon 5780 and good processor. The only thing I don't like about it is the small screen; cause for me, good graphic cards mean nothing if the quality can't be displayed properly.
I successfully installed a game and played it on the Asus pretty fine, and I'm wondering if I can plug in my Asus laptop into my iMac and use it's superior display, and keyboard, too. Could I just download some program and put in a USB or something? I don't want it to be laggy, either.
Thanks in advance to those who answer.
AFAIK, only the 27" models have any kind of video input capabilities, so if you have anything else, you're SOL. There may be USB options, but that would almost certainly never work for gaming. For all the talk of "480Mbps" with USB 2.0, there are some pretty big gotchas. It's a max theoretical BURST speed for one, and USB relies on the system CPU far more than alternatives like FireWire. So if you have a game sucking down most of the CPU's free time, driving a second display is going to be difficult at best.