UT 2003 performance question


Mac Metal Head
Just wondering what everyone is running it on and how it runs. I have a iBook G4 800, I got the demo to see how it would run on my computer, its not to great, however i only have 256mb of ram. Would I get much of a performance increase from maxing out to 640? Quake 3 runs like a dream on this thing, but im sure ut2003 uses a ton more memory especially with the huge maps. If thats not my problem its probably the 32mb video card, nothing i can do about that one.

I also wish i could try the full version because im sure the with latest patches it runs a lot better than the demo.
Run with a video resolution of 640x480, and turn off some things like dynamic lights and decals. These affect performance quite a lot. Turn off shadows (or use blob shadows) too, if you want more performance.

UT2003 is mainly CPU and video card bound. The AI and physics in UT2003 is pretty good, which explains why there is such a strain on the CPU. The graphics are pretty awesome too. Look at the grass, water, high-res textures.

I've given up playing games on my Powerbook 12' because a) the performance is dismal, b) graphics don't look good. Which is why I've got an XBox :)
In single-player mode, playing with a lower AI level should give you a boost, since the computer has to think less about what the bots are doing.

Also, our G3 at 233 Mhz and 16 MB VRAM runs Quake 3 very well at 640x480. At higher resolutions, it would probably start to degrade somewhat, but the point is that Q3 is fairly old, and it's not a good basis for comparison anymore (except maybe for framerate benchmarks, but definitely not UT2K3 to Q3). A more fitting comparison might be a more recent game, like Return to Castle Wolfenstein or Medal of Honor.
Arden said:
In single-player mode, playing with a lower AI level should give you a boost, since the computer has to think less about what the bots are doing.

But the lower AI level makes the game booooring. The minimum for me is at least the 4 - 5th(out of 8) level of AI. Its a real shame though that UT2003 doesn't run well on Macs.
1st: download the patch (check versiontracker), that will speed it up some
2nd: if turning all settings to lowest still isn't fast enough for you, play with the config files

If I remember correctly I've gotten an average of 35fps on 1024*768 on my iMac 700mhz geforce2mx 512mb ram