O.K., SO I need help with a couple of things:
1: So what is the best software protection for the money out there?
Or what do you suggest that I use to protect my system? I have a couple of Macs, & I want to make sure that I am protected in the best way! I have been kind of out of the "whole" tech loop for while, & NEED to get back into it!
#2 I'm suppose to use a older DOS based database & phone dialing system. I'm suppose to set it up on my old PC (Which I bought used, & then never used.... due to the fact that I LOVE my MACS so much!
But, that is what they are currently using... ANYWAY... I am wondering if I can use one of my older MACS instead! AND... if anyone knows how easy it would be to convert their DOS program over to a FILEMAKER datebase? You wouldn't think that it would be all that difficult! But I have never tried to convert one! What do you guys think? Looking for some "pro" or "techie" ideas, info or where to go to get info! Got any suggestions?
3: LAST BUT NOT LEAST... I have an Titanium 500 MHz, Power PC G4 laptop, that happens to be the model that has that little I have the model that has that little tiny fan that kept burning out. When I had it under warranty they replaced it, I think it was actually TWICE! I ALWAYS have a cooling fan running under it & when I'm at home... [Which in the last few years this is the ONLY way that I use it! - Hence, the Question "why do I still have this one!!"

I take off the laptop key board & connect a different external one.] Got any ideas of how to fix it? Best place to get used parts? &/or where is the BEST place to to sell it?
THANKS For any HELP offered on any of these topics that I can get!
I Really appreciate it!
