Waiting for Local Disks


WTF Is "Waiting for Local Disks"? I keep getting stuck on that for like 30 secs when I boot into Panther. It's pissin' me off...1min 30 secs for a boot time is absurdly long...my original boot time with Jag (and Panther 7B21) was 51-55 secs...and my PC boots in 30 flat (but let's not talk about my PC)...arrgh...:mad:
Maybe a driver issue with external drives? try temp removing any external drives. Also, run Disk utility to repair your other drives.
It is fscking the non-boot disk volumes. It should not do it every time but then maybe you are turring it off by pulling the plug out of the wall? :)

Just make sure your PC is running scandisk to be fair.

Enable journaling on all hard disks (including partitions) using Disk Utility and see if that fixes it.
How exactly would I do that? Use Disk Util from Panther? Because the Disk Util in Jag won't do it...I could also use Journalizer...
You can use 'diskutil' from Terminal.

diskutil enableJournal /Volumes/NAMEOFSECONDARYVOLUME

Do this for every volume.
I did it with Journalizer in 10.2 (since my 10.3 partition was already Journaled), and it worked. OMG...I shaved like 35 seconds off my boot time :-o WOW! Thanks.

PS...I noticed leaving my iPod plugged in while booting slows it down a tad. Maybe it's searching for a bootable OS on it?
Nope, FireWire isn't as fast as an internal HD, and since it has to mount it and everything, it slows it down by that much. :)
In many ways Firewire is faster than an internal harddrive, on my box the fastest disk is the external Firewire disk. The most important thing is how fast the disk itself is in these situations. Laptop and iPod disks are just slow, period. Hook up a respectable disk and you will see how fast Firewire is.
i've got the same 'waiting for local disks' problem... sorta.
i've got panther installed on a second _internal_ hard drive (7200rpm) and that will hang the login for more than 5 minutes. sometimes, if i'm feeling naughty, i'll just force-restart the computer and it'll boot fine. sometimes it hangs again.

it's all very strange.