War Protesting in Schools


iWork for Apple <3
[Disclaimer] Alright I understand that some people believe that we should go to war with Iraq. I respect your opinion and your are probably going to disagree or possably be offended. This is fair warning but you may still voice your opinion. [/Disclaimer]

ok now that i have that over with i want to share a few stories about war portests during school in my local area.

Several weeks ago students at Petaluma High School cut classes to protest war. every single student that protested was suspended for a week. I personally believe that what the students were doing was not in deservence of a suspension.

Today My high school (El Molino HS) students of all age levels (9-12 grade) went out side to protest the war on Iraq. Most cut class all day, but some (like me) only cut one or two periods to protest. I went out there because i felt that that was the way I could show that I was anti-war. i heard one comment from a teacher saying "This is the 1960's all over again." there wer riot poliece patrolling every half hour even though it never got out of hand. All that we are going to suffer as a punishment is a cut refferal (which for many is going to end up being a detention )

Anyways I want to know what people opinion is on the war on Iraq and school protests.
I'm going to show my protest...

I'm going to stay home and watch FOXNEWS all day the first day we go to war... how fun that will be.

Go GW!!
This doesn't have to do with schools but it has to do with going to war. It's a song called 'Have You Forgotten?' I heard it for the first time today and gives good reasons on why we should go to war.

Have You Forgotten?
I'm no war monger, but cmon.
deal with it now, or deal with it later.
we already dropped the ball once. we wouldn't be here today if things had been done then...
just a thought.

i'll be watching the news too...
Me personally I do support the war.

But then again I think Saddam shouldn't have been allowed to stay in power the last time. But that is why Jr. is partly doing this for George Sr.

I served for 8 years in the Army, and I've been many places while serving in the Army. Let me just say this will more than likely be a quick war. It's not like finding the terrorists, they hide well. Saddam doesn't do that very well in his palaces.


Protest till your lungs bleed for all I care. It's your right and I served 8 years so that you could protest if you felt like it. We all are allowed to have our opinions and to express them. I think schools are wrong for punishing students for speaking out against the war. I do however think students are wrong (highschool and below) for protesting on school grounds during school hours. Their protest during those hours reflects badly on the school and the control they have over the students they are supposed to be teaching.

If you are in college, well picket and shout in your school's quad all day long. You are paying for your education, if you want to protest instead of going to school then so be it. Your choice, your money. :)

Now in the case of the man in NY that was arrested in a mall for wearing a t-shirt that said "give peace a chance" well I think that was really f**ked up. He bought the t-shirt from a vendor at the mall and it's his freedom of speech. The mall is a defacto public place. He was not being disorderly or causing a public nuisance. The mall management is a bunch of facist pricks who should be forced to read the constitution 2000 times on a 1920 x 1080 resolution 15.4" dell laptop screen :) hehe.

my .02 cents. :) YMMV

** I didn't vote for GW, and I lived in Texas @ Ft. Hood for 4 years while he was gov. of TX.
But then again I think Saddam shouldn't have been allowed to stay in power the last time. But that is why Jr. is partly doing this for George Sr.

i don't support the war. not now. i don't think it's fair to confuse the past with the present. i was all for finsihing the job when we started it before. but clearly if Sr had thought that was the right thing to do, he would have done it.

so now we have this rationale for war: 'let's see, we kicked your butt years ago. since then you've slapped that kid next to you a few times, but every time he slaps you back. so you've started eating your wheaties. and your brother hit me hard when i wasn't looking. i think we better kick your ass again just for good measure. not that you've done anything wrong recently but try to maintain your defenses and be related to the wrong guy. i'm pretty sure i'll feel bigger and stronger and safer once we're done.'

why can't we just keep inspecting the hell out of him, and if he wants to start something, we'll finish it. until then i see no reason to endanger others lives - our military's and their innocents. let actions be taken justly, not out of fear. let's not throw the first blow just because we can.

oh, the original post - hey, if that's what you believe then do it. if it's just to be cool and be against authority, it doesn't say much. having met Jet, believe it is the former with him. i can't say that i can believe that is true of all high school students. but i have great respect for those who stand up for their beliefs when it is needed. and i certainly believe a reality check about the horrorific nature of war is sorely needed in thiis country again.
Originally posted by edX

why can't we just keep inspecting the hell out of him, and if he wants to start something, we'll finish it. until then i see no reason to endanger others lives - our military's and their innocents. let actions be taken justly, not out of fear. let's not throw the first blow just because we can.

I agree, we should continue inspections. Saddam is like a kid testing his teacher to see how much he can get away with before he gets his recess taken away.

Inspections as long as they continue fully supported and backed by the UN (with threat of force) should continue... cause I'm telling you that somebody is hiding something in his big ass sand box...
When I was in middle school, a great number of my schoolmates protested Pete Wilson's Proposition 187 (some laws dealing with illegal immigrants). I knew some of the people protesting. I didn't think they were doing it because they felt Proposition 187 was a step backward. I believe they were doing it for the experience... the thrill of taking part in a deviant act.

I've only been out of high school for six years, and I already look down on the average high school student. To me, the average high school student lacks the insight necessary to fully comprehend how war is prejudicial and beneficial.

I'm going to stay home and watch FOXNEWS all day the first day we go to war... how fun that will be.

Go GW!!

How is it possible for someone as religious are you are to say something as tactless as the above? Do children have a say as to what part of the world they are born in? Your(s) didn't, and neither did those born in Iraq.
Dusky:I've only been out of high school for six years, and I already look down on the average high school student. To me, the average high school student lacks the insight necessary to fully comprehend how war is prejudicial and beneficial.

Even a six-years old child is able to understand American foreign policy and hence feel the iniquity of this upcoming war.
It has so few equations compared to other conflicts such as Kosovo or most African conflicts, it is so brutally handled and by Saddam, and by GW Bush, it is so caricatural as to show how the UN can be a damn mess... that I'm convinced even my mother (47 yrs-old, doesn't watch TV, doesn't keep herself informed at all and doesn't understand a word of politics or internatl. relations) has understood 90% of the whole thing.

My opinion on Iraq and school protests is that here in France, if you miss class to protest against war or to play soccer, teachers consider it the same. Which is quite fair IMHO.
However, if you miss school to watch FoxNews, you may get into trouble ;)
The only 'punishment' I ever got for protesting was that at the end off the year my parents were informed of the hours I missed due to protest, school occupation etc. BTW those protests were against school reform laws of our own government. During the occupation of our school our principal just advised us to keep it nice and quiet and that in her opinion this wasn't the right way of protesting, by occupying public buildings etc. So we also sent letters to local newspapers explaining our reasons for protesting and demonstrated down in the streets. It was all in all very educative. :) You learn how to stand up for your own opinion, how to manifest it, how to partecipate in a public constructive discussion, etc. Most kids first simply run along without understanding anything about it, but they also learn. It's your right to voice your opinion and to protest, but it's also the right of your school to punish you for missing classes...
Even a six-years old child is able to understand American foreign policy and hence feel the iniquity of this upcoming war

I disagree. This is where I should cite Piaget's theory of cognitive development to prove why I disagree. Oh, but I won't. I'm too lazy to go pick up my Educational Psychology book and refresh my memory of it.

I watch the playground while children ages 6 to 10 (11?) have their recess. Common complaints are in the form of: "he lost his spot because he got out of the line." The other child says, "yeah, I got out of line because Mrs. Perez came to me and asked me to do something for her."

This incident took place yesterday, and if I hadn't been there to do something about it, the two students would have gone on and on, pushing each other, and saying "this is my spot", "no, its not", instead of listening to one another, considering each other's reasons for their stance.

The most children can tell you about war is that people are killed, and killing is bad. Their attitudes can be influenced by those of their teachers, parents, and priests, or whatever applies.
Originally posted by twister
This doesn't have to do with schools but it has to do with going to war. It's a song called 'Have You Forgotten?' I heard it for the first time today and gives good reasons on why we should go to war.

It seems to be more about 9/11 and Bin Laden than Iraq. It doesn't mention Saddam or his nukes or his yummy yummy oil.

I'm no expert, but I thought this war was not about 9/11 or Bin Laden, but about Saddam having things that Bush doesn't want him to have. Or have I just not been watching enough Foxnews?

- Brian
I can see both sides of this argument and I'm probably one of only a handful of people that is still on the fence on this issue.

Both sides of this political debate are going over the top on this! Bush is going way to FAST and the opposition countries are tip towing around, thinking of any EXCUSE to let a bastard of a man off the hook. Plus take him at his word (who in my opinion is lower than dirt). Remember inspectors inspect and enforcers disarm. So what are the UN people there now?

(Note: UNSCOM (the first UN "inspectors") destroyed way more weapons of mass destruction than the bombing of the Gulf War)

To get back on topic:
IMHO School is for learning. Your own time is to do what you like. Protesting during school should be treated as an absence/skipping school. No more, no less.
Dusky, don't take my post too literally ! :D Will it work with seven-year old children, if not with six ? ;)

Amen to your last sentences, Satcomer. My exact thoughts.
I have seen parents praise, and honor there child when they go to war - or abroad to protect rights of others and ourselves. These parents are proud and will be the first to stand and let one know that there child is in a US service - But never have I heard of a parent standing up and saying how proud they are of someone (child or other) protesting ....