Web Development for Mac Browsers


Hello. Here's my situation: I've been searching for a while online to try and find a way to make sure a website I'm developing is compatable with macintosh browsers. However, short of owning a mac (as I'm a PC user), I've found no way to do this. Is there a software or a way to use a mac browser on a PC?
I ask this because, the page I'm developing looks fine, on either netscape of IE for the PC. However, if I look at the page with their Mac equivalents, the tables are all messed up, the frames start about 90 pixels off of where they should, and much of the CSS I've written doesn't take effect.

Obviously, I need to have it so Mac users can view the site, since it is a business site.
Thank You,
For modern browsers like Safari and Mozilla, I've found that if I'm pretty careful about using W3C standards, I don't have much in the way of cross-browser or cross-platform problems.

I have the opposite situation -- I develop on a Mac but need to be sure that the pages also render well on Windows.

My primary suggestion would be to develop your pages using Mozilla as your main test browser. It's very standards-compliant, and will help you avoid falling into IE-isms.

But when it all comes down to it, the only way to be absolutely sure it's going to work on another platform/browser is to test it there.

I've tried using the mozilla browser as you suggested, and it shows up fine on my PC, though still has problems with a Mac browser. Not sure about safari, but both netscape and IE have troubles. Of course, I have only tested it on one mac, that could be part of the problem... but it displays every other website I go to just fine.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated.
You mentioned that you are having some positioning problems? How are doing the positioning? CSS? Tables?

Some code fragments might be helpful at this point.

Yes, we could help more if we had examples... CSS is particularly playful across different browsers and platforms.
Which parts are you worried about, it seems okay upon first inspection (albeit a quick one!)?
maybe it is just the mac I used then. But when I brought the page up on a mac OS 9 computer with either IE or Netscape, the frames would start 90 pixels off, and there would be white space between the frames. Also, pictures appeared everywhere, which implied a discourse with the tables.
It's good to know it works fine on a Mac OS X comp though. ^_^

I don't suppose anyone would be willing to test it in OS 9? Try clicking on View all listings, see if it looks fine. thanks,
Looks like it's working fine in Safari here, except the "Create an Account" link brings this up:

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, webmaster@westerncoloradoproperties.com and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.