What book are you reading/listening to?


For reading, I'm into this. Great writing and photos and I've loved all of his other travel books.

For audio books, my Audible playlist currently has this, and this.
The last one i listened to was dude where's my country (michael moore). i enjoyed it.

The last one i read on paper (of non tech stuff) was the celestine prophecy .. james redfield. i think i got to see what else i should listen to on the ipod..
Am I the only person who actually reads? :D
I just finished Enders Game. Excellent book! I'm reading Enders Shadow now.
Hardcopy: The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins
Audio (via iPod): The Art Of the Steal by Frank Abagnale
eBook (via Palm): Ilium by Dan Simmons
listening to Fellowship of the Rings on my drive back and forth from work. up to tape 13 out of 15. i hope they have the Two Towers available at the library when i finish this one. :)
Annie John - Jamacia Kincaid
And it's for my english class, but so far all the books we have read have been interesting.
For Work:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Phillip K Dick
The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin
Foundation by Isaac Asimov
Day of the Triffids by John Wyndham

For fun
Life on Screen: Identity in the age of the Internet by Sherry Turkle
Birthday Stories by Haruki Murakami
Washington Square by Henry James
Triumph & Tragedy in Mudville by Stephen Jay Gould (Baseball and science in one book- the most perceptive present i received this year)
Oracle Nights by Paul Auster

Listening to: BILL HICKS, he died ten years ago last week and it would be a crime to forget him.
Blood Canticle by Anne Rice...as soon as the hardback arrives.