What did I do?


As of last night I can no longer post, reply, or edit any posts on any of the forums. Can admin send me mail and let me know what it was that I did to cause this?

My regular login for this site is 'hydo'.

Anyone else having this problem?
yeah, I'm kinda wondering that myself.

I just checked your account, and it informs me we're still waiting for your e-mail confirmation. Did you click on the link in the "welcome" e-mail.

That may be causing the problem. Also, please be more specific. Today at noon you posted in the programming forum. What forums exactly were you having difficulty with?
Originally posted by twyg
yeah, I'm kinda wondering that myself.

I just checked your account, and it informs me we're still waiting for your e-mail confirmation. Did you click on the link in the "welcome" e-mail.

That may be causing the problem. Also, please be more specific. Today at noon you posted in the programming forum. What forums exactly were you having difficulty with?

After I made that post (the one in the programming forum as 'hydo') I went off and got some food. When I came back, I had _NO_ access. On every forum I get this at the bottom:

You may not post new threads
You may not post replies
You may not post attachments
You may not edit your posts

Every forum, every message, etc.

Would the system really wait two months before disabling my account for not getting the email confirmation? I'm sure I don't have it anymore.
well, this is one of those things I guess.

You should have no more problems.

I've touched your account with the special forums coordinator wand, and all should be good. ;)

If it's not, just let me know.