What Howto's are you looking for?


Hey Guys,
I am posting here so that you guys can reply with the howto's you want to see here on the site, so list some howto's so me, kilowatt and gang can get the ball rolling. Please be ask specific as possible


I think lots of people will want a simple Cocoa (Obj-C/ASS) how to. There's tons of em, but some people don't get them ;)
I don't really want this personally, as I'm comfortable with it, but I'm sure somebody could benefit from this.
how to take the little arrows out of alias icons (if it can be done)

how to maintain your Mac (ie, fsck -y, defragging, what apps are good/bad, zapping pram, etc)

how to route your ip through your airport (ie, if someone wants to connect to your afs or ftp (or even carracho) and they know your ip, you need your basestation to direct them to your computer.

i can't think of anything else off hand, and i apologize if those how to's have already been covered, i don't think they have.
It would definitely be cool to have a request a how-to forum, and a how-to's section. Lots of them wouldn't be too hard, such was removing the arrow's from aliases, and it would only take about 20 minutes to write up a good tutorial to show somebody how to.
What we need is an FAQ/HOW TO on IP Forwarding and Ip Chains.

So people with dual nic's can set up a firewall and router.

I'd write it, but I've never really gotten it working on my other unix box's, and I only have one network interface on my g4.

any takers?
1. ...take a .jpg that is a set size and enlarge it without pixelization distortion? I want a 'smart' app or technique that can compensate for enlargements distortions.

2. ...override/hack/change the feature in 10.1.3 so that I can have different sized icons in the same window at the same time?
I'd like to see a How-To set up disk quotas on Mac OS X client. Apparently on OS X Server it's simple. I wouldn't mind sacrificing my own /etc/fstab.hd files if someone wanted to try & work it out with me. I've set them up on linux before...
How to smack HP around so that they write Mac OS X drivers for popular LaserJet printers like the 1100. :mad:

Uh, can you tell what I've been working on this evening? :)
Originally posted by Jadey
I'd like to see a How-To set up disk quotas on Mac OS X client. Apparently on OS X Server it's simple. I wouldn't mind sacrificing my own /etc/fstab.hd files if someone wanted to try & work it out with me. I've set them up on linux before...
This may or may not be possible. Quota's are a feature only on UFS and are done ONLY with a kernel compiled with quota support enabled.

Best wishes

I'd like to see a How-To Install Linux on your Mac. Describing how you should partition, and install the OS's so you can dual-boot or whatever.
how about writing a HowTo for newbies to OS X about some of the things that they would have done in Windows...

was that even phrased correctly!?

oh well, i think you'll get what i'm talking about...
That sounds like a very good tutorial BlingBling, problem is, how many kinds of people like that come around here?
Originally posted by yoshi
Hey Guys,
I am posting here so that you guys can reply with the howto's you want to see here on the site, so list some howto's so me, kilowatt and gang can get the ball rolling. Please be ask specific as possible



How to cool a G4 with liquid nitrogen, and where to get a pump and the nitrogen :D

When I'm finished with my little project, I may write an how-to on how I cooled my G4/400 with a peliter element and how I modified the core voltage and PLL settings to make it run at 600 MHz :rolleyes: