What if? iApps for Win32??


Master of my Universe
What if instead of the iApps charge of $50 for the bundle of iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD for Mac users that's been rumored everywhere, it's actually a package for Windows users that'll cost $50?? On ThinkSecret.com they talk about something that M$ wouldn't be happy about... could this be it?

Get Windows users to buy the iApps package for their existing machines, get 'em hooked, bring 'em into the Apple stores, and show 'em how much better it is on a true Mac, while at the same time building a diversified market for Apple software?
would be stupid. Cause most of the win-users i know, like macs because of their iApps ("iTunes ROCKS!" they always say). But when it comes available for Windows... They are going to care about Apple LESS (more less!) than before!! And that is, in my eyes: ZERO attention for Mac.
Originally posted by senne
would be stupid. Cause most of the win-users i know, like macs because of their iApps ("iTunes ROCKS!" they always say).
However, iTunes isn't one of the iApps that is listed as one they Apple "may" charge for. Thus, it would be like Apple was giving Windoze users a taste of what things are like on Mac while not giving away the farm.
It would be a great idea if it didn't take away their attention from the mac though..

Talking about iTunes, i'm still stuck with iTunes 2.0 and of course Mac OS 9.1 :(
that would be interesting, but i don't see it happening. OS X and all the iApps are made to get people to buy Apple's hardware. right now they are a hardware company that happens to make software to support said hardware.

obviously, we're seeing a dramatic shift from a hardware based company to a software driven one. but, selling iApps for 50 bucks a pop to windows users doesn't make as much sense as selling them to mac users, considering iDVD and iMovie already cost money to upgrade. they're just throwing in iPhoto with the two now apparently.

we'll just have to wait and see though... one more day :D