What kind of internet connection do you have?

What kind of connection to you have

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Cable here, too, in Switzerland. Our DSL-services can't keep up, they suck. ;-) It's still too expensive, though. I'm paying 80 CHF a month for 600/200 Kbps. That's a bit less than 60 USD at the current exchange rates, I believe. However, they also offer phone service through cable, which is nice and good. I certainly hope to see prices go down once more, however there doesn't seem to be a big reason of why right now. You can get DSL for about the same price (with more problems, though).
i dont know what my speed is exactly.
im connected through ethernet.
the connection is free(actually included in the rent)(but still is very cheap)

but i do have this screen capture from network utility:


  • picture 2.pdf
    16.9 KB · Views: 16
I have a 512 DSL connection, but I'd like to get at least a 1meg, with fixed IP, I work from home (as a developer) so speed is kinda important. The faster the better.
I'm on 512k ADSL for about $47. There are slightly cheap services about but Lavron are very good. Excellent support and fixed IP. I'm a bit annoyed that I'm not in the same cable area I used to be in as I could have got 1Mbit cable for about $62.50. Any DSL above 512 is still quite expensive here. BT suck, they still haven't unbundled the DSL loops so they still have a wholesale monopoly. And we don't have PPPoE yet even though the swines invented the technology. I'm so used to broadband now, I couldn't go back to dialup.
In Bangkok, I pay US$50 per month (512/256) for 30 hours - then additional per hour thereafter... I normally pay US$100 per month...

In Dubai I pay US$50 per month (1MB+) unlimited...

It seems a lot until you factor in international phone calls (my businesses are predominantly based in the UK) - and using iSight, I save a bundle...

Annual cost is now about what I used to spend every two months on phone bills...

Thanks again, Apple!

I've got a 512/128 (IIRC) cable for € 29,95 a month (Casema/Wanadoo). Fast enough, cheap enough. There's some ADSL offerings (Tiscali) that give more speed for less price, but not available yet ... I'll wait and see.
Egypt has ADSL, but it sucks big time. The ISPs do the Egyptian thing, ignoring the standards and running local loops that are 15 and 20 km long. We have it at work - sometimes up most times down and they charge a yearly subscription in the $1,200 dollar range for 256K, cash :(.

So I tough it out with a 56k dialup.
My work has been paying for my internet connection for years. This started out as a 14.4 modem and the ISDN. both sucked, but were free.

A few years ago I was upgraded to the business class A-DSL which comes with 5 static IP addresses and 5 email addresses. :)

A-DSL is faster downloading than uploading, but it is still so much better than ISDN that I am actually hosting my personal Web site from home!

I have been thinking how lucky I am, but I just recently started re-reading about that Internet 2 thing that is 3,500 times faster than DSL... I wonder how I get work to upgrade me to that. ;)
Originally posted by Jet
...my road ... is a privet road and there are too few people on it...
For a second I thought you meant it was a road used as a privy. (Which I wouldn't want to go on either) ;)
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
i dont know what my speed is exactly.
im connected through ethernet.
the connection is free(actually included in the rent)(but still is very cheap)

but i do have this screen capture from network utility:

You have a 10Mbps connection! You must be downloading between 600-900 KB/s!




Then again I shouldn't be surprised because you are living in Sweden :rolleyes:

Currently, I have an ISDN 64 but hopefully this will change in the days or weeks ahead with a DSL 512... AT LAST! :mad:

Wait a minute! This is 0.5 Mbps! I still have 9.5 Mbps less than you! DAMN! :eek:

I must move to Sweden or something :mad:
Originally posted by fryke
Cable here, too, in Switzerland. Our DSL-services can't keep up, they suck. ;-) It's still too expensive, though. I'm paying 80 CHF a month for 600/200 Kbps. That's a bit less than 60 USD at the current exchange rates, I believe. However, they also offer phone service through cable, which is nice and good. I certainly hope to see prices go down once more, however there doesn't seem to be a big reason of why right now. You can get DSL for about the same price (with more problems, though).

You call that expensive? See below DSL prices here in Greece and enjoy for your country ;)

Installation prices (only once):
384 & 512 download / 128 upload = 118 euros
1024 download / 256 upload = 118 euros
In the above prices the price of DSL modem is additional...

Standard prices each and every month into the main telephone company:
384/128 = 32.45 euros
512/128 = 59.59 euros
1024/256=111.51 euros

Monthly fee each and every month into the ISPs:
384/128 = 81.81 euros
512/128 = 134.15 euros
1024/256=258.52 euros
The above prices coming from the cheapest ISP!

So, basically if I want to have a DSL connection even at the "low" 384/128 I have to pay each and every month a price of 114.26 euros for crying out loud!!! :mad:

The average monthly payment here in Greece is almost 585 euros with the average monthly rent coming up at 300 euros!!! I hope that you can get the picture! :(
Originally posted by hulkaros
You have a 10Mbps connection! You must be downloading between 600-900 KB/s!

I think he's probably connected to some sort of shared T-1, and that's the link speed that he's connected to the network with. I highly doubt he's seeing an actual 10Mbit connection to the internet, but we'll let him answer that one!

I'm in Texas -- San Antonio to be exact, and both cable and DSL are pretty cheap. I've got 1.5Mbit down/128k up DSL right now, for $40 a month. Cable is the same, although in apartments (like I'm in) if you go with cable, be prepared for the most unstable connection you've ever seen -- sometimes it'll download at over 300k/sec, sometimes it slows down to 15k/sec.

Both cable and DSL companies (Roadrunner for cable, SBC/Yahoo! for DSL) offer one year at $30 and then $40 after that. Cable DOES require cable TV service, which they'll tell you is around $40 a month, but there's an unadvertised package for $18 a month that only has 18 channels. You have to ask for it specifically, and don't give in to their upsells.

T-1 access, full blown, 1.5 down/1.5 up, no bandwidth limits can be had for $400 a month, $400 one-time setup charge from a company called Birch, which is trying to force SBC out of South Texas. We've got it at work, and it's cheap and fast.
Originally posted by hulkaros
You have a 10Mbps connection! You must be downloading between 600-900 KB/s!
my fastest download speed from a server (specifically from apple/trailers) has been 800 kb/s.
but the interestin part is when i download more than 1 file.
for ex. 1 day i was downloadin a file at 600 kb/s and at the same time another one at 400 kb/s.
i would have posted pics but i dont think im aloud..... ....
. i love it.. :p
Why wouldn't it be allowed?

A lot of the time, that comes from the server. If the server is really quick, you can download files at a possibly capped rate, but they're all really quick. You may download one file at 500 K/s, or you might download 3 files at the same speed simultaneously. It depends on the server speed and your own pipeline.

Does anyone know a good online utility for checking your (ideal) connection speed? I think there's one on DSLReports.com.
Originally posted by tsizKEIK
my fastest download speed from a server (specifically from apple/trailers) has been 800 kb/s.
but the interestin part is when i download more than 1 file.
for ex. 1 day i was downloadin a file at 600 kb/s and at the same time another one at 400 kb/s.
i would have posted pics but i dont think im aloud..... ....
. i love it.. :p

Only one word:

I've got 1.5/128 DSL with SBC/Yahoo, and I pay 35 bucks a month. It's alright, I haven't had any problems but I don't really see the max speed. Guess I'm too far away from the switch station. I'm in San Francisco but I'm from Sweden, also lived in Italy until I moved here recently.
As for Sweden they are ahead of the States as far as speed and price for internet connections. My Brother is getting a 26mbps line for the same price I pay for my 1.5. The infrastructure there is a lot more modern and updated compared to the States. As far as Italy goes, they are way behind in computer technology in general, as I would guess is the case in the Mediterranean area as a whole, but Hulkaros and other could correct me on that.
I've heard that in Japan you can get really fast connection for nothing.
