What machine will you buy next from Apple?

Woah, can I dream, too? I want almost the same machine but with 1280*960 or 1280*1024 resolution 13" screen, 3.5 pounds, 1 GHz G4 processor (codename 'lowheat, rawpower'). Of course it should have an nVidia chip with 64 MB RAM inside.
Originally posted by fryke
Woah, can I dream, too? I want almost the same machine but with 1280*960 or 1280*1024 resolution 13" screen, 3.5 pounds, 1 GHz G4 processor (codename 'lowheat, rawpower'). Of course it should have an nVidia chip with 64 MB RAM inside.

I think we are on the same team. I'm not against the G4, I just don't expect it to reach low power levels very soon.
If they can cram 32 megs of video ram in an iBook and a either a G4 or really fast G3, I'll step up and get one of those. Otherwise, I'll be getting an iMac at the end of the summer.
Someone was saying somewhere that the iPod was about to go under the design knife...

I know, not very specific. Sorry. :rolleyes:
by the time i get to buy an actual apple product (not some old thing to upgrade) would be when i go to college... that's about the time they'll have 1.5 GHz G5's or maybe even 1.8 GHz!
My next Mac will be in a couple days. And will either be a TiBook 667 or an iMac 700 (Maybe 800)

But I have not decided yet.

I'm crossing my fingers for the TiBook.
I'm heading for a TiBook, or any further PowerBook, sometime summer/fall next year. I doubt they will be reaching 1,2 GHz by then, though...
Originally posted by twister
iPod. :D
I agree with you. An iPod would be great, ..and so would actually a PowerBook of some kind too. But I don't really need that. I need an iPod. :)

I am guessing that my next Mac will not be bought untill Photoshop 8 and Illustrator 11 come out. I think it will be a G5 by then. right guys ?
if i had the loot i would get a TiPowerbook with all the goodies... Of course
I wouldnt mind having a 1 GHz plus desktop, but i feel that my 867 g4
is good enough.
Originally posted by simX
Um, as far as I know, Apple hasn't released any of these products, so I can't say I will be buying any of them. What a stupid poll. :rolleyes:

I was rather supprised too. But if we're toindulge in your flavour of you poll. My next car will have an antigrav drive, flux capacitor (for time travel of course), photon torpedoe launcher and it'll run on McVities Biscuits. I might go for the Oreo conversion though, gives it that extra little punch. ???????

On a serious note, the next Mac I'll buy would be a consumer laptop, whatever that may be. Have to say i wouldn't buy a G3 though. And it would have to have a DVD Player, and take the biscuits left over from my car!