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J'adore Charles Aznavour ; je me demande comment ça sera avec mes enfants quand ces chansons fêteraient leurs 100 ans !

"I love Charles Aznavour; I ask myself how that will be with my children when these songs .... their (?) 100 years"

Just can't work out that feteraient word ... except that it might be tense related ....
"I love Charles Aznavour ; I ask myself what it'll be like with my own children when these songs are 100 years old !"

I'm 26 now, but these songs were written in the 50s and 60s. It's one thing for me to listen to my dad's music from the 70s, but my kids will, at some point, listen to "pop" music from 1960 ! I don't listen to too much music from 1908 hehe.

Yeah, I know the timing is a little off, but still.
Tiger Feet by Mud (only because I had to listen to this bilge today at work for reasons that are tiresome to explain).

Never mind Eurotrash - this is UKtrash at it's nadir.
Oh please, Tiger Feet by Mud is classic, compared to the manufactured drivel that is being turned out these days.

Just got to wait another 50 weeks before I can fire up Lonely This Christmas again :-)