What webcomics do you read?


Hi all.

A bit of a cheesy standard forum topic, but while writing sarky reply with rpg-style humour to Cap'n Quark, i got to wondering.

For me:

Order of the stick. I started reading this when "A Modest Destiny" stopped. I was never an RPG player but the "Stick of whackin? +3" humour amuses me lots.

Quaestionable Content. As above, I am not really into the music, but pintsize the crazy root is fun and i like the artwork.

Joy of Tech. Classic, well known and often Mac-ish, great one of tech cartoons (I have this one on my wall at work.

Not strictly a webcomic, but the blog/minicartoon guru Hugh from Gaping Void often makes me chuckle. I also have one of his on my office wall, though its where only I can see it. :)

What about you guys?
Nice randy! I really liked Bush-Kerry as american idol, that and "Love doesn't favor porcupines". :) When is it back from that hiatus?

I never got into penny arcade but i do keep meanign to look at VGcats.

Oh and another one i forgot, i have on-off phases with sluggy, mainly because i've never caught up to the current issue.


Jetwing, some interesting ones there. Used to be a megatokyo fan but i think my interest waned, i liked the more Largo-esque storylines.
ora said:
Nice randy! I really liked Bush-Kerry as american idol, that and "Love doesn't favor porcupines". :) When is it back from that hiatus?

Thanks!! There's a laundry list of reasons why it's not back up yet.... mostly due to the fact that the writer & I don't live in the same city anymore. Also, there's been talk of a Jaded Glade stop-motion animated web-series, but that's just vapor at this point.

Soon enough, tho, there should be some more. I really appreciate the kind words, Ora.
Hehe, it was in a post that got deleted, i was pointing out the "summon moderator of doom +5" button at the bottom of the post. ;)

Randy: Vapour it may be but a stop motion thing sounds hilarious, stop motion Grizzle woudl be wonderful, complete with slowly burning cigarette. Do post when it restarts/relaunches.
Why do i get the feeling that i am the only one who has a folder tab bookmark in my bookmarks bar <_<;;;

the only time i really stop reading a comic is when the artist basically says "yeah... I don't have time for this any more.... sorry!!" and basically puts out 1 or less a month.
Hehe, yeah, i use rss for webcomics these days and i found over time i cared less and less about megatokyo, maybe I'm just a quitter :) .
ora said:
Hehe, yeah, i use rss for webcomics these days and i found over time i cared less and less about megatokyo, maybe I'm just a quitter :) .

Nah, Megatokyo just stopped being written in strip form, and got more dramatic than funny. He's writing with the graphic novels in mind, since that's where his bread is buttered now. A lot of us Megatokyo fans have stopped reading the webcomic at this point.