DOS!!! Oh, man ... I remember that! DOS was the very first OS I ever used. That's what all the schools were using when they first brought computers to the classrooms. Ugly-ass black screen with green letters. lolnixgeek said:Compare this with the days of DOS when doing a "format c:\" would wipe the drive. To this day on Windows and Linux, you can wipe out the drive if you have enough administrative access. I'm sure this is now the case with OS X if you enable root (since it IS basically a Unix operating system), hence one of the many reasons Apple disables it.![]()
Amie said:Does anyone know what the very *first* OS was? DOS was pretty far back, but I don't think it was the first OS. Cobalt, maybe?...
jbarley said:Cobalt was a programming language if I recall it correctly.
Yeah, and I'm sure there are millions of COBOL applications running as we speak. The IBM 360 never died, it lives on in various incarnations.nixgeek said:I believe you're right, but to add....wasn't it spelled "COBOL"?
nixgeek said:I believe you're right, but to add....wasn't it spelled "COBOL"?
nixgeek said:I believe you're right, but to add....wasn't it spelled "COBOL"?
Amie said:Ohhh-kay! And STILL no one has actually answer my question. lol
No, I replied to that. I'm not looking for verbose articles/links. I'm looking for a ONE-sentence answer: What was the first OS used on computers? One sentence--or even one or two words will do. It's not an essay question.nixgeek said:I thought I did when I provided the links.....the answer is in the links.![]()