What would you like in Jaguar OS X.2 ?


Gone !
What would be the main thing to improve in OSX ?

Multitasking ?
Speed ?
Video ?

Of course all of this needs improvement, but the main issue, I think, is speed. I still find OSX slow, thus counterproductive, compared to OS9. I use as a basis for this comment my DTP experience (working on Quark/PS/Illustrator).

What do you think ?
Definitely GUI speed. I think this issue has been discussed to death. But I dont think we can hurt it by mentioning it a few more times :)
Is there a thread where the topic has actually been "discussed to death" ? I'm a bit new to the forum. And there's soooo much threads, + post-pollution + threads that do not correspond to the topic… I'm a bit lost (and bored searching).

So, any ideas ? A thread name where I could read about GUI speed ?
Heh. Sorry, I meant discussed to death in general. I havent really noticed many threads about it, but from a few i've read, it seems pretty obvious that there are many people who are dying for a more responsive OS X [including myself].

I hope my response didn't sound scathing or mean before, I am a new [registered] user as well.

Try searching for "Speed" topics, i am sure one or two will come up.

Good luck and welcome.
it HAS been discussed to death, on this board, too. basically there are two kinds of people. a) those who think mac os x improves their productivity with the stability that the os offers along with the ability to do real multitasking. i'm one of them. b) those who are whining about how different a UN*X system feels to them and how os 9 was really the golden cow and all. you are one of those. (sorry to sound a bit harsh.)

if you're in os 9 now, open a .psd file in photoshop (6 or 7, doesn't matter). should be around 50-100 megabyte in size. apply a filter that takes a while, say, radial blur - good quality. time the filter. then restart in os x, do the same, but instead of timing the filter (that's about all you can do on os 9 while photoshop is rendering the filter), go ahead and work in another application while occasionally watching the photoshop icon in the dock, where a small aqua bar shows you its progress. see what multitasking really is and what windows users were talking about when they told you that the mac DID NOT in fact have any real multitasking? mac os x is improving your productivity, if you know how to exploit its speed and stability.
I'm with fryke here. I can go into OS 9 and work at a much faster pace, and then I get caught by the stupid watch over and over again.

10.2 being faster is just a bonus. :D
Heh. I didn't want to get into this but I will just try a quick response. I am not sure whether fryke was referring to me when he talked about OS9vs.X, productivity etc.

On the productivity side, I agree. I would never have bought a new MAC if not for OS X. OS9 is simply too far a step back for my tastes.

I was more thinking of linux and Xfree86 and/or Windows VS. OS X [oh boy, im stepping into deep water here]. I was mainly referring to the responsiveness of the GUI, window redraws, finder directory listing speed, etc. Most people tend to agree that those features can be [and will be] improved -[and that they are currently percieved as being faster in some other OS's at this point]. This is a natural and understandable, since the OS X codebase has not exacltly had a lot of time to be optimized or accelerated as of yet. My understanding is that quartz extreme/jaguar et al. is supposed to remedy this in a big way.

As a person with some very minor programming knowledge, I also know that many times, 9 times out of 10 people will call an OS "faster" when it is "perceived" as being faster. That means doing some things before they are really "done". A good example would be windows XP boot times. Sure, it boots in 15 seconds, but is the OS really done loading when you see your desktop? Of course not.

That is all I was referring to.
No, I think I'll stick to the point.

I work in DTP and what I need in just switching a little number of applications. OK, that's fine I can leave PS7 to do job behind my back, but:

1) PS7 is longer to boot on X.
2) The filters <b>are</b> longer (I insist, I work with them all day. Example given: Xaos brushes, clipping, etc. The screen display is faster on OS9, though the process bar fills faster in X).
3) I see <b>much more</b> rainbow cursors in X than in 9.

I don't really care playing Minesweeper while PS7 renders a 120 Mb TIFF file. I just want it to go fast, to open PS fast, to open files/windows fast — well, just less rainbow :) And the rainbow is counter-productive, hm ?

And X is full of it. Most of my collegues are on Windows 98, and their Photoshop boot faster, render faster, and they can play Minesweeper while this happens indeed.