Where can i download MAC OS X???


does anyone noe any sites where i can download MAC OS X...
i dun care if it is a illegal copy...
You can download it by going to your local Apple store, buying it for $129, then uploading it to your private server, and then downloading it at home, burning it onto a CD, and then installing it.

Of course you could just skip the downloading altogether and simply buy and install it. :rolleyes:

HINT -- If you didn't get my message, here it is explicitly: DON'T PIRATE SOFTWARE. BUY IT AND SUPPORT THE COMPANY THAT MAKES IT.
Try singing up for the ADC on Apple's site. Then you can download Darwin, and experience all of Mac OS X's glory, sans the beautiful Aqua interface... it'll be command-line only.

OR -- you could actually get off your butt, mow some lawns, get a part-time job, peddle for money, or any number of other small money-making things that are quite simple and buy your licensed copy of Mac OS X for the low, low price of $129 (compared to Microsoft's offerings) and help keep Apple and Apple users the law-abiding, upstanding citizens they are.

We don't need no stinking pirates using Apple. Take your illegal activities elsewhere, please.
lol. if your going to pirate sofware, dont go admitting it on public bulletin boards...

Never tried it myself, but you could use CARRACHO.... ;)


for more info... :)

The right thing to do is pay for it..... paying helps support the company that made it.... so they can pay their bills.. and their people.
I hope we aren't turning all high-and-mighty on stuff like this ... the guy is obviously new and doesn't totally understand how stuff works around here. Help him out without being a Jhole.

Let's not turn into the MacAddict boards by flaming everyone who asks a [dumb] question. :(
To all who are reporting this post...

This thread serves a purpose. That purpose is quite simply we don't support piracy on these forums.

It harms no one to have it here, so why remove it? I'm sure MacME won't make the mistake of asking for warez again, nor will other people new to the boards.
thankyou for your stupid sarcsism and fuked up replies u tight asses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ooooh, he told us.

And with the spotless grammar and clean language that we love so much here. So eloquent too. Obviously this was a well thought out post.

Admin, you have his personal info. Can you report him? :D

-the valrus
Hmmmm... I vaguely recall saving my allowance for weeks to buy the latest and greatest 8 bit Nintendo games. My how the times have changed. Not trying to be high and mighty here, it's just interesting to me how we have as a society and culture (the internet society and culture that is) come to expect all things computer related (except hardware) to be available to us for free. Well MacME, hope you enjoy OS X and are inspired to buy a copy for real once you see what it is all about.

If you want to play with your Mac and get all your software for free (and learn a lot along the way) I suggest heading to Mandrake, Yellowdog, Debian or Gentoo and downloading Linux. And as an added bonus you won't have to get lectured on how you're undermining the very software you're using by not paying for it.
What would you have done lethe?

He would still have gotten it whether the thread was left or not. Most people would have the common sense not to come back here. Now MacME gets reported...

Thread: success...

Let's not turn into the MacAddict boards by flaming everyone who asks a [dumb] question

I don't think that mild sarcasm and good advice against piracy counts as flaming. Looking back at the responses they were very level. In my bringing up the cinema display comment I was hoping to point out that stealing hardware and software amounts to the same thing - stealing:

Does anyone know where I can get hold of a cinema display for free?

I apologise to anyone if they got the wrong impression.

i also should apologize. i didn t mean to come off as a pr*ck with that sarcasm. i just got really annoyed by that kid making a mockery of our thread.

for the record, twyg, i am in favor of immediately locking or deleting threads that are severly out of place. every thread that someone posts out of ignorance pushes someone elses thread off the front page, someone who might need help. everytime someone posts to such a thread, it spends more time getting looked at when it should be sinking. kiddies who are not interested in community, but only in getting stuff, detract from the community of the boards.

on the other hand, holier than thou attitudes, like mine are frequently also counterproductive, and certainly one of the nice things about this place is its friendliness. so i defer to your more moderate judgement. you are after all a moderator. :)
Trying not to be an a-hole to anyone, I was simply making a point that I hope we aren't going to go off everyone who starts a stupid thread.
I don't think MacME will ever come back here :rolleyes:
Asking a "stupid" question shouldn't lead to excluding anyone, but answering in such a way isn't a sign of feeling sorry for asking that question, either...