Who wants Ed removed as administrator?

Should Ed calm down or leave?

  • Yes Ed, please stop deleting our opinions and calm down

  • Yes Ed, please leave your post as administrator of this forum

  • no

  • who is Ed?

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I know what a hard job it is moderating a forum, i do it myself.

Ed it a prety good mod, at times a bit conterverishal but hese ok.

Macluv : pipe down


(doggy spelling i know :rolleyes: )
Well, I think that Ed should go back to a user, not because I disagree with what he's doing, or don't think he's doing a good job, I just think that he would enjoy life a bit more, not having to police the forum and take all the all the hatred from people affected by it. I've been on this forum for some time now, I don't post alot but I read with ineterest the post with substance and thing that are informative. But latley this forum has gone from a mac forum to talk about 'freedom of speach', 'democracy', trolling, flaming... don't find much interesting stuff to read any more , things realated to my mac. I find discussing apples right and wrong doing interesting if people could just agree to disagree, it doesn't have to become personal just because some one dosen't agree with you.

To Ed.
Let go, it's not worth it, I remeber you before you became a moderator, you posted alot and they were posts with substance, interesting reading. Now you have to play police and it can't be fun, taking all the anger from people that have been affected. Now I only see you post when you have to defend your actions or when you have to tell people to stick to the rules. I'd like the old Ed back. Let someone els do the moderating for a while, take a vacation, but it’s your decition to make.

To every one that want this forum to go back to what it once was: Ignore the peronal attacks, don't respond to it, respond to the post but ignore the flame war. If you feel insulted ignore it, if you reply then it will just go on and on... Can’t we all get along? If you have an opinion abut something say it, just try to not make it personal, it’s not impossibile. Every one makes misstakes but it dosen’t hurt that much to say ‘sorry’ or edit your own post if it’s out of line. Treat others as you want to be treated yourself.

Thanks for reading...

1st - macluv, your post was deleted because you insulted hulkaros on more than one instance. just as you have taken to insulting anyone who disagrees with you in this thread. Questioning people's intelligence is simply not allowed here. try reading the rules. Frankly, i could care less what people say about apple. my concern is how they say it and that they play nice with others. i am secure in my appreciation of my mac and apple. i don't need to defend it or censor opinions because they differ from mine. but i am not going to go thru and edit multiple infractions of the site rules in a long post. Either post by the rules or risk having your posts vanish. I don't have the patience to go thru and change every "no-no" by hand. and when i do, people complain about that.

2nd - i added a couple of options in the poll at other's request.

3rd - thanks to all for your comments of support. But especially to viktor whose points are very well taken. I don't enjoy the site as much anymore when i have to spend my time being the police and keeping the same few people in line over and over. everyone has been pretty good lately so i have not been too pressured until this. my reasons for not posting as much have more to do with other real life priorities that allow me less time to spend here. not moderating wouldn't change that. but i have considered letting go of my responsibilities But so long as it doesn't overwhelm me and the admin wants me, i am planning to stay for the moment.

4th - there are rumors about me? why haven't i heard them? :D
i think it's neat and respectible when people break the rules and then whine incessantly about being caught.
well ed, the rumors are that you became a chargers fan just this season when they started doing good

also another is that you have 3 nipples... is that true?

damnit ed, stop doing your job, we want anarchy!


ok ok, i'll admit, sometimes i dont like ed's choices in doing his job, but at least he is doing it, and he means well, so i say, he stays and possibly thinks of having a couple more mods, tough job to do by yourself, let someone help you out

to set the record straight - i have been a Chargers fan since the 70's and the Air Coryell years.

i have 2 different colored eyes but only 2 nipples. one mutation per generation is enough.

i am all for having some help at moderation!! Does anyone WANT to do it? of course the decision rests with admin and twyg, but i would be all for adding another mod to this forum and a few others. I can only add that my understanding of moderators has changed quite bit since i became one. Being a poster is relatively easy compared with having to be a watchdog.

i am sooooo bored with the discussion of moto vs. other chips that i almost feel like poking my eyes out everytime a new thread about it starts. but hey, if you guys want to debate this pointless topic ad nauseum, who am i to stop you? Frankly i have really come to admire Fryke for his ability to carry on the same argument with a new group of people each month. How does he do it?
Having read all the posts in this thread... i have come to the conlusion that almost EVeRYONE disagrees with MACluv.... and on the other hand almost EVERYONE believes (thrhough these posts) that ED is doing a great job...
im kinda of new to this forum so i dont know any of you... so i guess all i have to say is KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ED!!!

i feel though that i should point out that while im posting this.. 50% believes ED should NOT leave...but at the same time about 50% believes that ED should stop deleting other peoples posts - or leave this forum ----> so.. i guess that ED maybe you should wonder.. WHY some people feel negatively about you and ur actions.. and maybe you can do something 2 have moe than 50% of the votes on ur side.. :) thanx for ur time...
Yeah keep up the good job Ed... not.

I never included a NO or "who's Ed" option in my poll... as usual my workings have been tampered with...

So begins Butter's reign of terror...
Originally posted by Ed Spruiell
1st - macluv, your post was deleted because you insulted hulkaros on more than one instance. just as you have taken to insulting anyone who disagrees with you in this thread. Questioning people's intelligence is simply not allowed here. try reading the rules. Frankly, i could care less what people say about apple. my concern is how they say it and that they play nice with others. i am secure in my appreciation of my mac and apple. i don't need to defend it or censor opinions because they differ from mine. but i am not going to go thru and edit multiple infractions of the site rules in a long post. Either post by the rules or risk having your posts vanish. I don't have the patience to go thru and change every "no-no" by hand. and when i do, people complain about that.

Well, actually Ed, I wasn't insulting Hulk's intelligence, he does that on his own, and I certainly don't start "your mama" wars so I think you're actions were a bit harsh, unreasonable, and biased towards a user you know. How do you know Hulk's posts aren't insulting me? Does it matter? You should have contacted me first or let others complain about it or waited to see what happened. The truth is you shouldn't be moderating these forums because you obviously don't have the skills to determine what is just from what is not. If you can prove to me and the people in here beyond a reasonable doubt that I was making insults to Hulk than by all means do so... but since you've terminated my post we can't really do that now, can we? You're job as a moderator is also to make sure that people are having fun in here, and right now I'm not having fun.

Now you can either be my friend or my enemy, but if you choose the latter, I'll just go start my own forum and let people post sans Ed... I'm sure the admins of this place would love to know why people don't post here anymore. And for all of you nonbelievers out there who swear loyalty to this forum--I say whatever... you won't even know it's me and neither will all the new subscribers to it... so the choice is yours... apologize to me and make peace or moderate the ten fans of Ed...

much luv,

Damn, MacLuv, your poll offered basically the same choice twice -- get rid of Ed, or get rid of Ed. That's not a fair poll, and you have bitched and whined about Ed not being fair to you... which he has been. You're guilty of the same thing you're accusing Ed of being to you! That's hypocritical! Ed deleted your post because it didn't conform to the rules of this board. You have threatened to leave this board and start your own, and that's your obligation and decision to do so if you choose not to abide by the rules of this board. What's the problem?

If you would like to see your original post stay here, then politely retype it and make sure it conforms to the rules of the board. I don't see how hard that is. I post here frequently, and I speak my mind fully and without thinking twice about what I say and never once has my post been deleted, moved or censored. Perhaps your manner of speaking is too harsh, too offensive or just plain bad. I never read your first post, so I can't say one way or the other -- I can only trust the judgement of Ed, who has been nothing but fair the entire time I've been a member here (about a year).

Anyways, I don't wanna offend you or anyone else on this board -- but you are acting like a child. One simple post is deleted, for good reason, so get over it and move on with life. No one is against you here. Your deleted post didn't conform to the rules of the board, that's it.

Also -- about the poll... gimme a break. Your "work" hasn't been tampered with. Your emotional outburst, which you manifested in the form of a poll, had two other options added to it to make it more un-biased. Your original work on the poll remains intact and unchanged, there are just more options now so it doesn't sound so immature... and come on, you can't rightly and seriously tell me that your original poll was thorough and well thought out. Two options, both of which slam Ed? That's not right, it's not fair, it's not mature, and I'm surprised this thread didn't go into the circular bin along with your other post.
Originally posted by gigi
Can we see the thread that was edited ?

Well, you're looking at one right now... Ed took it upon himself to add two more choices to my poll so there you are... who's to say anything written in this forum is original and worth reading at all?

Ed, if I needed a copy editor I would have hired one, thanks.

I think this is a good sign that you're bored and have nothing better to do and the power has gone to your head.
Originally posted by ElDiabloConCaca
Also -- about the poll... gimme a break. Your "work" hasn't been tampered with. Your emotional outburst, which you manifested in the form of a poll, had two other options added to it to make it more un-biased. Your original work on the poll remains intact and unchanged, there are just more options now so it doesn't sound so immature... and come on, you can't rightly and seriously tell me that your original poll was thorough and well thought out. Two options, both of which slam Ed? That's not right, it's not fair, it's not mature, and I'm surprised this thread didn't go into the circular bin along with your other post.

No, actually my work has been tampered with. I offered a poll that I thought was fair. If you don't like it, make your own poll, this one was mine.

If somebody posted a similiar poll replacing ED with WINDOWS, we wouldn't be having this conversation because obviously everyone wouldn't care. But suddenly I should shut up becuase the moderator of this forum has tampered with my input not once but twice.

Hey I don't know about you, but maybe you like living in a police state. The irony about the responses to my posts on this thread is that they go against everything Apple in itself tries to promote against.

As far as my poll sounding immature, who cares? It's a poll. Do you think 280 million people in the United States all gate Bush a 96% approval rating? Get real, all polls are biased.

And regarding my original post... it was throurough and well thought out, and it took me a half hour to write in rebuttal to Hulk's comments how we were "all insane" becuase we thought PCs were cheaper and faster than Macs. It was that simple.

Frankly, this all started because Ed can't resist playing God, and frankly I'm sick of hearing about it. He made a mistake. It's that simple. And I don't mind people posting things to me or about me but I do mind when people invite me to speak and then take away my voice. If I started deleted all your posts in here you'd be pissed off too.
said by macluv
Now you can either be my friend or my enemy, but if you choose the latter, I'll just go start my own forum and let people post sans Ed... I'm sure the admins of this place would love to know why people don't post here anymore. And for all of you nonbelievers out there who swear loyalty to this forum--I say whatever... you won't even know it's me and neither will all the new subscribers to it... so the choice is yours... apologize to me and make peace or moderate the ten fans of Ed...

i am neither your friend nor your enemy. I have no emotional involvement with you whatsoever. I'm just the moderator of this forum. i'm not going to apologize for doing what is asked of me.

as for how many people post here - if we only had 5 people who posted here nd they were all able to carry on a mature and reasonable discussion within the bounds of the site rules, then the site would be better than if we had a thousand who who thought it was acceptable to cuss and belittle each other. If the latter is what you want, try the newsgroups of usenet. Fortunately, the site seems to work the other way around. We seem to get about 1 or 2 people who don't care to play by the rules for every thousand members. How all the other posters manage to act reasonably must be quite puzzling to those who always feel they are being picked on.

also, the other choices in the poll were added because others requested them. allright, i'll admit "who is Ed?" was just for fun and entirely my own idea and that so far i am the only one who voted for that choice. ;)

i do admit that my biggest mistake was not preserving evidence of your mistakes. not that i would share them publicly as that would negate the reasons for deleting them. But it would be nice to be able to send you a copy and point out where you messed up. i apologize for not having taken the time to do that. I will try not to make that mistake again.

i also think i will move this thread to site discussions where it really belongs so that twyg and admin can oversee it. i'm sure you'll accuse me of tampering with your thread for doing that, but oh well.
Your poll was not fair. There were two options basically saying the same thing. That's not even a poll, it's you voicing your opinion in the form of a poll, which is NOT a poll. A poll is something that you use to enlighten yourself as to what other's opinions are. You did not provide enough choices to sufficiently warrant a poll -- you offered once choice worded two different ways.

And ALL your posts were not deleted. ONE was. For, in MANY people's opinion, good reason.

This isn't anything personal, MacLuv, but you're reacting a bit excessively. In my opinion, of course. ;)

Perhaps Ed made a mistake. Perhaps he didn't. In your opinion, he did. In other's, he didn't. Ah well, it happens. Do you really want to abandon this board because of this one mistake? You can't force an apology. It wouldn't be sincere if you ASKED for an apology and got one... if Ed feels the need to apologize, he will. If not, then it won't happen.

I'm asking you to give this board a second chance. People make mistakes here. I've offended people before. People have offended me. Your opinion is valued here, despite what mistakes or decisions were made about your previous post. I, for one, would love to review it, if it were still here... but I do look forward to reading your future opinions, if you decide to stay a contributing member of this forum.

I'm asking that we all move on, and start over -- I think you'll find that this board provides much more enjoyment and enlightenment than you've experienced through this one incident. I'm sorry you had such a negative experience, but I'm sure the positive experiences you'll have in the future will outweigh the negative experiences that have already occurred.
Well, you're looking at one right now... Ed took it upon himself to add two more choices to my poll so there you are... who's to say anything written in this forum is original and worth reading at all?

Well I dont think that should happen, if you had said something to say that is not vulgar or offensive, then i think your post should be left alone.
Having said that I do admire Ed quite alot especially on mozilla/netcape/aol thing. He got a lot of fake for that but stood by his principles. (I didnt agree with him but I admired the fact that he was resolute in his stand on the issue)
Gosh, this brings back some memories...[scratching chin David Letterman style]. In fact, it went kinda like this...[harps playing David Letterman style]. Long ago, a member complained about FREEDOM OF SPEECH being violated. And I recall responding to the post with something like...Your freedom of speech was never violated, you posted an opinion on a PRIVATELY OWNED, publically viewable medium, where there are RULES stating NO ATTACKS AGAINST OTHERS or NAUGHTY WORDS in the forum. Since the member breached the rules of conduct, his/her thread was "modified" and subsequently got "bent out of shape". Why is this concept so difficult to grasp? I simply don't understand. Help me here, I'm REALLY missing the point.

You leave Ed alone! He does a fine job moderating these forums.
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