Why is Office so bad?


I just installed Office v.X, running 10.1.2.

From day one, this garbage has been buggy as hell. What happens is, the toolbar icons randomly grey-out and I cannot use them. Things that should be available, like dictionary, spelling, or table, are greyed-out even with a document window open.

I can fix it by doing several things:

1. Quit and relaunch Word.
2. Open the customize menu, then close it. Sometimes I get the toolbars to work.
3. Create a custom toolbar, put all the icons I want to use in it, and then use it. Icons don't malfunction in a custom toolbar for some odd reason.

Funny thing about a custom toolbar, is that the formatting pallet doesn't genie into it, it simply appears and disappears. Not a big deal, but odd behavior.

I really, really hate M$ products, and I swear they must intentionally cripple their software for the Mac. It just seems that in Office 2001, and now Office v.X, there are so many bugs that it degrades the functionality of the software. Leave it to M$ to make a word processing program that doesn't work right.

I know, this is a bit of a rant, but another thing I hate about M$ word is how bloated it is. Nobody needs all those features to write, and I mean nobody. If you do, then use a desktop publishing app (funny that the DTP apps I can think of all have less features than M$ word, yet they work better than word for layout and publishing). I probably use 20% of the features in Word, yet I have to pay for all of them. Wouldn't it be better if M$ focused on making word better instead of bigger? In making it more stable, in squashing bugs, in creating the perfect word processing app (and anything near "perfect" would be minimalist, see Apple's iApplications for proof of this). But no, with every revision Word gets more crapcode thrown at it, it gets more bloated and as a result it's harder than ever to get anything done, because I have to wade through all the useless features to get to the ones I need.

Sorry for the rant, but I had to vent.

Anyways, does anyone know about these bugs? Is there anywhere at the M$ website that I can report the bugs? Will M$ be releasing a service pack for Office v.X, or is it going to stagnate like the rest of M$'s Mac products (how often does IE get updated, like, once every two years or so??). Thanks for listening.
I dunno man, I got Office v.X and before that had Office 2001 and both worked fine for me. I've really never had an issue with it and I use Word almost every day. Maybe there are others who have experienced this...

I personally think Office v.X is a great product, but that's just me.
heh look no further than its maker, aqualung.

I can't wait for OpenOffice.org to release Open Office for mac. Its going to rock. 100% cocoa with code ported from unix. Its never seen os9.

Unfortunately, this could be a while as openoffice.org seems to only have a few people working on the Mac OS X port.

Aqualung, you a diver?
Yes, it is my understanding that a Service Pack will be released shortly (which may or may not contain Palm X conduits [Palm's fault]).
Office v.X is far from perfect, but in general it ain't nearly as bad as it is on Aqualung's machine. So I suggest that Aqualung try trashing everything and reinstalling the whole Office suite.
That being said, I find myself enjoying AbiWord very much, and looking forward to OpenOffice (Cocoa? Kewl!).
I don't have with Office X the kinds of problems Aqualung has. Globally, Office X works fine with the TO.1.2.
Anyway, the two apps I use (word & excel) refuse to quit when I log out wihout quiting them manually before. All the others apps I work with support this without issues, but Office doesn't. The app bar menu gets blank, only displaying the blue apple of aqua. I have to force quit to complete log out (or restart, but I don't restart very often, neither shut down).
Except this small borrying tip, almost everything's fine, but nothing's great.
I still use Office 2001, due to third-parties unavailable in X, such as endnote.
Compare to this, Office X has only a few bugs, but is as ugly working with.
I'd really like to have the choice to escape from M$.
I'm a simple but maxuser, I want productivity and freedom ! Is it possible ?
The slow quit of Office applications is a known bug. Doing a manual quit will eventually work, but it takes a couple of minutes.
This behavior may be related to Office's checking for other copies of itself on your network (even if you are not networked).
really ? So disabling this function by a way or another will solve this problem ?
Thinking about something like :

sudo ipfw add deny udp from any to any 2222

(thanks to another thread).

Is this M$ function only active at launch and quit ? I experiment problems with client-server TCP connexions when I run Word X at the same time. Can it be related ?
Blocking the checking port may not speed up quits. Office still tries to check for other versions running. I monitored my firewall for a while recently, and every couple of minutes I'd see the "access denied to port 2222" message.
>every couple of minutes ?
these guys are such paranoids.
I've read that the first upgrade 10.1 of Office improves this security-obsession.
BTW, I'm gonna follow this path for a while, and look at my crash logs carefully. Such a regular and frequent acces to TCP might cause pbs.