Will Apple recall new Powerbooks? - Faulty Displays


It appears that a large percentage of the new 15" Powebooks have faulty displays.
White blotchy area's are appearing the displays with small white dots clustered together.
I recently purchased a new 15" Powerbook and I'm also experiencing this problem.

More information on this problem can be found at http://discussions.info.apple.com/WebX?14@26.2RSqazbHh5x.2141642@.5999d784

If you are experiencing the problem make yourself heard by posting there and hopefully Apple will get this problem sorted a.s.a.p. There is apparently a rumour going round that Apple will recall all the machines.

An example of one users display problems can be found attached to this post.


  • mypbspot.jpg
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Nooooo...I'm still awaiting mine...they can have my PowerBook when they pry it from my cold, dead finger...or I've already recieved a replacement one...I'm not waiting another month...
That certainly sucks. It seems the cheaper these LCD displays get, the more problems there are with dead pixels etc.. :(
Well, I know what I'll do. I'll save up some money right now, use my new PB for a month or so until Apple has found the problem, fixed it and made a nice stock of new healthy 15" aBooks, then I'll call AppleSupport and complain, get the money refunded and order the new PB with higher clock speed and Panther.
Originally posted by voice-
Well, I know what I'll do. I'll save up some money right now, use my new PB for a month or so until Apple has found the problem, fixed it and made a nice stock of new healthy 15" aBooks, then I'll call AppleSupport and complain, get the money refunded and order the new PB with higher clock speed and Panther.

Sounds like a good plan! Think I might give it a go ;)
I have no such problem with my aluBook, I wonder if its in the assembly process it happens.

Could it be a 1.25GHz aBook problem? If we could get the specs of those who have the problem, maybe we can figure it out.
The higher clock speeds may be a cause, in terms of heat, but a guy over here swears that his 1.25GHz aBook is cold as stone, so I doubt it.
I rather think it may be the illuminated keyboard messing up the screen...but I can be mistaking.
Soooo....who has the problems and who's got healthy PBs?
Hmm, it appears that those people who have refturned their macs for repair have the problem re-appearing. Looks like I will order a new one and have Apple take mine away.
Managed to get Apple to replace my Powerbook....that means I will be getting Panther for FREE! YAY!
What is that? Is that a dead pixel or halfway burned out? And why only on the Powerbook displays, not the other ones?
From MacFixIt;

On a positive note, MacFixIt reader David King contacted Apple about his PowerBook and was told that Apple was aware of the problem and is working on a solution. They gave him the option of getting a replacement screen now, or waiting until the "real" fix is ready. At this point, given that so many replacement units are exhibiting the same problem, perhaps waiting for such a fix is a better option; however, if your PowerBook "has spots," be sure to contact Apple anyway in order to document your case and get a case number.