Windows Addict?

lol ;)
Funny, but quite annoying. It just encourages PC idiots to come to Mac forums and post stupid things, and PC users tend to be a bit nutsier when they do so :p
But still, it's worth it.
Originally posted by Trip
heh. I really like how only 5 people have viewed that thread.
Actually, that site must be brand new, or totally unpopular. I was the 5th member, and I posted the 2nd topic.

And for what it's worth, I plan on revisiting that site every now and then, and not just to post stupid Steve Ballmer jokes.

BTW, if anybody wants to download that movie, go here. I can also torture myself and upload the 3 MB file to one of my iDisks and post a link, if you want.
out of the 6 total members of the site, 2 now (including me) are mac users and the only people to post anything are those two. Weird.
Originally posted by ladavacm
It is an interesting site for a windows addicted person to run. Using PHP.

In spite of my "Web Designer" status (self-taught, designed the site linked above), I'm not sure what PHP is. I know it's dynamic HTML stuff and we use it all the time, but what's the signifigance of the Windows addict using it?
He's Windows addict, but is not using ASP (MS technology). Instead, he is using PHP (UNIX technology, at home with Apache httpd). That is the significance.

OK, there is a port of Apache to Windows, probably also with PHP. Still...
So why do they have a picture of Feynman next to an article that has nothing to do with him?

Yeah, but there aren't really any great ASP bulletin boards out there, i don't think it's as fast as the PHP / mySQL anyhow. Not to mention, it costs like twice as much to be hosted on a Windows IIS server so you can use ASP.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.

I assume that means they went belly up. I was hoping to have some fun but I guess not. Not likely to have any tears shed however.
Originally posted by themacko
Yeah, but there aren't really any great ASP bulletin boards out there, i don't think it's as fast as the PHP / mySQL anyhow. Not to mention, it costs like twice as much to be hosted on a Windows IIS server so you can use ASP. --- it is just like phpbb and UBB
Well, I just visted WinAddict again and it appears to be up and running again, minus the forums! :p

What? Minger doesn't like the Maccies taking over?

Developers, developers, developers, developers…
Keep checking back. If they open up forums, I think we should just move back on it and act like we don't know it's a Windows forum.

lol Windows addict. that is such a stupid idea, more like Windows Cyborg :eek: