Windows Addict? has been infected by the ebolag4 virus!

I am now a member of above said site. (Makes my skin crawl!)
Originally posted by xoot
PHP is better because fewer servers host ASP pages.

following that logic, Windows is better than MacOS X because more servers run it...

...sorry, couldn't resist.

ASP has it's bright sides, especially when it comes to the integration of the Microsoft SQL Server. The only think I don't like about ASP is that once you wanna go object oriented with J++, you run in plenty of problems since MS really wants you to use procedural based VBS. I prefer PHP also, but I wouldn't say that PHP is better than ASP or the other way around.
Originally posted by Nummi_G4
PHP is not DHTML! DHTML is just a name for CSS and Javascript mixed together. right?

Perfectly right. HTML 4.0, CSS 1.0 or 2.0 and JavaScript/VBScript
Originally posted by xoot
PHP is better because fewer servers host ASP pages.

Oh, no! Darn! I forgot that I was taking the PC user approach to that argument. Arrgh!:eek:

The real reason I don't like ASP is that you have to pay for it. :)
ASP is OK - Ulrik is spot on. The reason that I prefer PHP and mySQL to ASP and SQL Server is that on hosted servers it is possible to someone else to hose the SQL Server and grind your web site to a crawl with a bad query.

Everyone lets send an e-mail to the host of or if we can't find it comments in the news on the site that go something like this:
Dear Windows Addict Webmaster,
Please reopen you forums. I loved talking about how much better the Mac OS is than Windows and how much cooloer Apples CEO is than Microsofts. And really miss not being able to anymore at
No replies. I think the only members of the place are to two or three of us who have signed up.
I try to log in and it tells me I have but when it takes me back to the login page I have not been logged in. The number of members viewing the site has not increased but the number of guests viewing the site has by one. This has got to be a flaw.

Anyone want to attempt to overflow his buffer with me?
Originally posted by Koelling
Anyone want to attempt to overflow his buffer with me?
I'm not sure what you mean by this, but it sounds like trouble. If "minger" wants to run his Windows website, let him. I know we tend to be trollish at that site, but I didn't want to ever cause trouble.
I agree with MD. Let's make fun of his web site all we want and all we can, but don't do anything that makes Mac users look bad. Please. Windoze people hate us enough as it is for just existing. Let's let them stay misguided and not have a REAL reason to dislike us.