Windows resize all the time: help needed !


Gone !

I'm getting bored with the fact that my windows never open at the requested size.

All I ask is to have the column view (exactly 3 columns). I set a window to this setting (it's a pain in OSX but still, I did it).

Now, I close the window and reopen a new one: it won't be 3 columns wide. It always a bit more, or less, never what I am asking for.

Anyone knows the place in the system where OSX writes the default width and column width of a standard window (ie. the one which opens when you press Command-N) ?
I've got EXACTLY the same problem, and it's driving me mad, too. Already asked that question a few weeks ago. "Wait for Panther" was pretty much the best I got... :-(
If someone asked me what was the worst about Mac OS X, then this would be my candidate. I can't believe Apple can do fancy things like Quartz, and not get the damn column view right!!!!!
I feel the same, my application window never remembers the size I left it. I have to keep scrolling down to get the apps. I don't know and hope that Apple has fixed that in Panther.