Windows XP name


I have been wondering why Micro$oft calls thir new OS for XP...(I know it is because it is a short for "xperience") But isn't it usual to call OS'es for something with an X when it's UNIX-based like: Linux, Mac OS X....and more
And "Xperience". Why call a brand new revolutionary OS for Xperience? And with an X?

Any ideas?
more like XPensive. You have to buy a "Plus Pack" to enjoy some of the same built-in features of other operating systems, Mac OS X inclusive, just for a bit more than the entry price of the OS.

I personally don't think the name was done for no other reason than marketing, and confusion for Mac OS X.
Apparently "XP" constitutes a symbol for Christ / Christianity, as X and P are the first two letters in ancient Greek for Christ. **

Now, this does make sense:

"OK, I'll just fire up Windows, and... CHRIST!!!"

Ahem. I thank you.

** - Per
maybe it's playing on the eXPletives inducing factor? I know I've had a few working on my WinXP machine :eek: Yes, I have one... alongside 3 other Windows machines... alongside my lil' white iBook and my dual 800mhz G4 ;)
  As a biologist, I'll sort this one out - XP stands for Xeroderma Pigmentosum. This is a rare genetic defect caused by exposure to radiation.
  XPS.ORG is a organisation that gives out information on this condition, and the following is taken from their website (comments added):

<li>Wide range of symptoms:<ul><li>1) <b>blindness and deafness</b> //from the interface no doubt<li>2) <b>blistering or freckling on minimum sun exposure</b> //from staying indoors all day fixing it when it fucks up<li>3) <b>developmental disabilities</b> //typical PC user demography<li>4) <b>dwarfism and hypergonadism</b> //OK, not sure about that one<li>5) <b>increased eye cancers</b> //as per number 1<li>6) <b>mental retardation</b> //well well, *thats* a surpruse</ul>

Well, at least they named it logically...

Bernie :eek:)
Well since the internet (and by extension computers) is the breeding ground for acronyms you have only to look at the following examples.


This acronym generally refers to 'operating system'


Throwing an X around in the late 90's and 2000's has usually been referring to hip, current (generation X) or more predominantly extreme. ie: the X games.


Generally this acronym refers to the slang term 'Piece of shit'.


Microsoft's latest jumper, pulling the wool over pc users eyes yet again.
Someone mentioned on another site, after Microsoft announced the "XP" designation, how XP is the designation for an experimental plane. The planes of course lose the XP designation when they're ready for prime time.
I've been wondering why they didn't just call it AP as an abbreviation for Apple. (as a tribute) After all, they make a better living by stealing apple's best ideas than apple does coming up with them. If apple has an X, then M$ needs an X along with another letter. It's that size thing again. But lots of women will tell you, bigger isn't always better.
Mac OS X - No eXPerience necessary.

Ok, so I stole it from some dude's shirt at the grand opening of the McLean, VA Apple Store :)