X1600 Artifacts??


Hi all, new here...

I know it's a bit of an old system:
2006 MBP 15" 2.33C2D, ATI X1600 256mb, 2Gb ram.

Everything worked fine under 10.4.8, then when I upgraded to 10.5 about 6 months ago, white flickering pixels (artifacts?) showed up mostly in black areas in itunes movies and some quick time movies.

After failing to find a solution, I've gone ahead and upgraded now to 10.6, and instead of the problem going away at actually got worse. Now I still have these whites flickers in the movies and also have a similar looking problem on the Dashboard. Though not white spots, mostly red and green and flickering with the refresh rates of the affected widgets. All of them.

I reverted back to 10.4 and the problem goes away, and comes back again with 10.6 reinstallation, seemingly ruling out failing hardware. The temperatures of the system are low, everything below 50C.

Hard to believe I'm the only one seeing this, but I've been looking for a solution for a long time and have never come across a similar complaint.

Anyone seen this before?


Hard to believe I'm the only one seeing this, but I've been looking for a solution for a long time and have never come across a similar complaint.

Never seen it. Never heard of it. If your problem is not caused by some POS software that you don't want to talk about, then it is a hardware problem. I suggest that you take it to your nearest technician that handles Macs.
Nope.... no pos software that I'm aware of. As I said, I did a fresh install of 10.4.8 and the problem disappears. Then a fresh install of 10.6.2 and the problem returns. Seems strange the hardware functions fine under one OS then fails under another OS... No other software installed for the tests. The nearest competent technician is likely an overnight flight away from where I am.. so I guess I'll just accept it until I can replace the machine. Thanks for your input.
Is this 10.6 disc that you have a purchased retail version, or is it a system disc from another Mac? If it's the latter, then that might be why you're experiencing problems.
It's a $29 retail upgrade... or at least that's what it looks like, I got it on ebay as there's no place to buy one where I live. What difference would that make, and is there a way to tell if the disk is genuine?
Have you updated to the current 10.6.3?
There's some graphics updates which could help your situation, assuming you have not installed other software that could also affect your graphics system software.