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hi,can you help me how to make money in internet because i want to continue my studies. My parents can't afford me to send me in college. .. i want to help my parents through this please help me...tenx
Ah allora prendi l'ownership di tutto il folder...
Sotto sotto (sempre in information finestrina) sharing & permissions > cambia owner al tuo e dovrebbe dare la possibilita' di farlo x tutti i files nello stesso tempo...
oppure in terminale, sudo chown -R pathto/foldername ..
Grazie Giaguara,

I opened the trash and located the lock on the first file. The folder contains 437 of these little shits so I just pulled the whole file and have it sitting on my desktop like plutonium till I figure if there is a way to dispose of the hateful thing in one go?

Baeza Spain

Grazie Giaguara,

Ho aperto il cestino e trova il blocco del primo file. La cartella contiene 437 di questi piccoli mierdi quindi ho solo tirato l'intero file e l'ho metto sul mio desktop, come il plutonio finché non figura se vi è un modo per smaltire l'odioso cosa in una volta?

Baeza Spagna
A while back you were asking for help with Mail and said, "I have tried removing then reinstalling Mail." Could you tell me how you do that? Any time I try to change Mail font color, size, etc., my iBookG4 shuts down.
m using mac 10.4.11...
suddenly i can some of downloaded icon with the format of icns but some other icns cannot read at all...

and what about ico and png format...
is it possible?!?!?!

please advice...
thanks & cheers!
you have to go to safari proxies
open safari/preferences/ make sure u r on advance page / then press buttom "change setting " / choose page "proxies"/ and then uncheck box "web proxy HTTP/'' make sure box " proxy requires password" unchecked 2 .....

good luck !!!!
hello. i read your post about the problems you had with external harddrive. i am having the exact same problem. i was wondering if you were ever able to solve this problem and if so, how. i have disk warrior and it is displaying the exact same message. thanks in advance.
Hi, I have the same problem with my ibook g4 - freezing, like that you post last year in july .... Did you fixed it ? please let me know on thanx :)
did you ever find an answer to your post? I have a mac os x 10.4.11 and want to buy a nice hd camcorder to make movies but I am not very knowledgeable in compatibility. I was told to get Canon VIXIA HV40 when it comes out in march but I don't want to get something that doesn't work with my laptop. I obviously then want to get final cut pro 5 HD to maintain quality of the footage. I wish Apple made an hd camcorder!
Hi gnomasa,
Did I ever talk to you about this? I just logged in and noticed this new conversation thing. Email me at if you want to talk about the Evolis printer (I can't guarantee that I'll remember to check back here).
problem printing hp2500L no color from MacBookPro. Worked till Christmas then for no reason just started to print B&W. Any other facing same problem? Settings all OK.
hello i have a mp4 that is not turnning on i was syncing up with my pc on sat it worked for five mins after it truned off and never turned back on
could some body inf me of what to do next
Problem solved.
Thanks You Everyone who helped. I appreciate it very much. I learned a few things as well.
It was the video card.

Thanks again,
Nice to meet you, how is everything, hope all is well with you. My name is Madam Avelin Regato, I found your contact after reading your profile I picked interest to contact you. I've something very important which I would love to share with you privately, therefore, would advise you to kindly write me back on: ( so that I'll give you details. Waiting anxiously for your anticipated corporation,
Madam Avelin
Email me on: