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  1. Racer D

    FTP connects, won't display list!

    you'de have to contact your network administrator. tell him to monitor the connections, while u try to connect to ftp. tell him the server ip and he can see what connections are incoming. btw, on the windows machine, do you use active or passive mode? and is the firewall on your mac disabled?
  2. Racer D

    FTP connects, won't display list!

    hmm, is there a way you can tell us/me the info for the server? it's hard to tell what might be the problem right now, but if I could be able to connect to the server I could check what ports/connections it uses. but imo it's a firewall issue.
  3. Racer D

    FTP connects, won't display list!

    safari doesn't even support ftp... it only sends the url to finder
  4. Racer D

    FTP connects, won't display list!

    are you behind the firewall and the server is allowing only active connections?
  5. Racer D

    Suddenly my file icons are acting very bizzare!

    btw, if anyone is interested, windows (XP) have the same bug ;)
  6. Racer D

    Suddenly my file icons are acting very bizzare!

    happens to me too from time to time, without any icon hacks. "killall Finder" in terminal always helps.
  7. Racer D

    Where is the vaunted OSX stability?

    did you try opening your temrinal and typing in "killall Finder"? that always works for me when Finder crashes
  8. Racer D

    [HOWTO] - simply turn Finder's showing of hidden files on or off

    hmm, there was some error whit the file when downloading obviously. I edited my original post, so now you have to create (copy & paste actually) your own script instead of downloading it. Try it and tell me if it works now
  9. Racer D

    [HOWTO] - simply turn Finder's showing of hidden files on or off

    I know there have been ways of doing this since like forever, but it always took an opening of one app (terminal or some prefpane) and relauncing finder. I've found a way to make it even easier ;) 1) navigate to /Applications/AppleScript and launch Script Editor 2) copy & paste this code...
  10. Racer D

    fullscreen KDE on os x

    got it to work :) I copied /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc then I commentd out the lines "xtrem &" and "exec quartz-wm" (to prevent apple's window manager from starting) and added the lines "exec /sw/bin/kwin &" and "exec /sw/bin/startkde" to the file. Now I can start KDE...
  11. Racer D

    fullscreen KDE on os x

    I just installed KDE from fink, and xdarwin from binaries. I edited my ~/.xinitrc and ran XDarwin, selected fullscreen and it loaded KDE. all good. But with one glitch. The windows have no border around them, meaning I get no titlebar. When running rootless XDarwin uses OS X's aqua...
  12. Racer D

    how to remove "Quit" from app's dock-menu

    I'm used to quitting it via dock, so I keep forgetting I shouldn't :/ do you connect via bnc? you mean my avatar? yea, my work :)
  13. Racer D

    how to remove "Quit" from app's dock-menu

    soo... we play the waiting game :) tnx for the info
  14. Racer D

    iPod battery tips

    and it also takes as much time as full charge? my cell phone does charge even when the battery's fully, but quits after few minutes (it has a Li-ion battery)
  15. Racer D

    how to remove "Quit" from app's dock-menu

    I'm having some weird problems with x-chat aqua's quit behaviour. In short, when I right click it's icon in the dock and select quit it does bad things ;) (detaied info) So, I'd like to know, is there a way I can remove the quit function in the dock for this one app (it's cocoa)? I know you can...
  16. Racer D

    iPod battery tips

    hmm, there's something weird going on... If I charge the battery fully (it says "charged" and then re-insert the ipod into the dock, it will start charging again. and the charge takes as much time as a ful charge takes. Is this normal behaviour?
  17. Racer D

    iPod battery tips

    thanks alot :)
  18. Racer D

    iPod battery tips

    yes, I read that but I'd like to hear from a non-apple source, since apple only tells things good for the market ;)
  19. Racer D

    iPod battery tips

    I just got my iPod (me happy) and I'd like some tips on what to do to make my battery last for some time. I've read how iPod battery doesn't last long (year and a half) so I'd like to know how to "use" my iPod for the battery to last longer. Is it ok if I keep the iPod in the dock whenever...