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  1. B

    mpg2 playback

    Upon some looking about, I have found this player. You have to move the mpg files of of the VCD, but then they play fine at full screen etc. I repeat MPG2 video seems tobe fully playable with this :) Check this link out The writer of the...
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    VCD poll

    A big fat 5. I have a problem playing SVCD from the machine when I know that the same codec is used as that for DVD. What a piss off:(
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    mpg2 playback

    Does anyone know how to play SVCD disks in MAC OS 9 or MAC OS X?
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    iMovie Clips

    Its a clunky work around but you could export just the joined clips back out to the DV camera, and then re-import as one clip. As the DV files are not lossy, this should keep the original quality while acheiving what you want. Like I said it s not the best, but you could separate your...
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    iMovie and PAL

    Sorry Simon to be a complete lack of help. You have just explained the difference to me. I always either use Imovie with my DV camera in, or am editing video imported in using the camera. I hate to turn this into a you telling me stuff thing, but How do you get DV into a format that Imovie...
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    Animated gifs

    Don;t know i this helps, but check that your e-mails are in HTML format (options/ HTML). This should allow all of the same rules as a browser displayed page.
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    iMovie and PAL

    Are you sure that it is a PAL/ NTSC format. I have never had this problem and have used imovie 1 and 2 on both OS 9 and OS X. I am also from Australia. Are these video files from a previous version of Imovie?
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    os x 10.04 itunes 2 hell

    I am not sure how to undo the problem that you have had, but some symptomatic releif may be to:- 1. For the battery monitor, check that the option to show it is still checked. This can be found in System Preferences/ Energy saver/ options tab. 2. Check your date and time re: the 1970...
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    iMovie Clips

    I am not sure that I understand what you are trying to do. By placing tem both in the timeline, you effectively acheive this. Is there something that I am missing?
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    How do i change my desktop image in OS 10?

    Yeh and sometimes this does not appear to work. If this happens, just click command-option and escape to bring up the application list, and relaunch finder. This sometimes is a problem with icon changing as well.
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    Classic IE launches instead of Carbon IE

    I have found this as well. I think that I resolved it by removing the classic IE folder (backup to a .sit first), running all of th applictions which forces them to use the native version, and then putting it back. Hope this helps but it was a little while ago.
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    mac os desktop 9 folder

    That may be the case with the original Desktop shortcut. However I deleted mine by accident some time ago, and have often wondered how to get it back, I followed these instructions and added the Disk icon for good measure. Maybe you should delete your current shortcut and create one using...
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    reverse NAT and airport

    Has anyone successfully reverse NAT'ed Samba traffic from a PC mapping drives on your MAC using Airport. I have setup ports 387-391 (couldn't remember the exact ones but was pretty sure they were in this range) for the Airport basestation Ethernet Interface connected to my local LAN, to map to...
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    Airport update troubles

    I fired up my airport admin utility in OS 10.1.1 because I wanted to setup reverse NATing to my local SAMBA service. That aside, upon launching the utility I was informed that there was update software available for my basestation, and would I like to install it. I replied yes (perhaps...
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    PB G3 Firewire DVD Playback

    I have had the same issue. I called apple support and they have informed me that playing DVD to a TV in OSX is not supported yet. To make it harder, in 9.1, you would have the resolution of your LCD to 1024x768, sleep you powerbook, connect you tv which would then start up at the...
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    Cannot change deskop background anymore

    I have had this problem from time to time when the machine has been up for a while. Opening process viewer (apps/ utilities) and killing finder fixes it. Finder will restart with the correct dekstop. hope this helps
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    Palm, HotSync, Classic

    Oops, typo. Make that "bit unstable", more stable, and the "drive", driver, and I think that the last statementmakes sense :-)
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    Palm, HotSync, Classic

    It works the same as classic with the following exceptions Like many USB devices under classic, if you attach them while classic engine is running, it probably wont work. Attach and then re-start the classic engine from within preferences. It should work fine then. The first time you...
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    Ie & Passive Mode

    Has anyone else had the issue in the version provided in both IE version provided in 10.0.4 and 10.1 with passive mode. I find that while attempting a download from and ftp server attempting to setup passive mode, it just sits there. The browser doesn't hang, it just won't get past that part...
  20. B

    login as root user, how?

    You can enablke login as root by running the netinfo manager. This is kept in the Applications/utilities directory. From the dirctory menu ( once started) highlight securty, and select "enable root user". This will allow shell login to root as well. After saying this, I have not found a...