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  1. adambyte

    listen to line in?

    You need some sort of audio app to actually thread the audio input through to either your speakers, the hard disk, or both. Use any audio app to record to hear it ( make sure "play through" or some feature like that is checked). One simple app I might recommend for this purpose it WireTap, by...
  2. adambyte

    Is it possible to make osx work/look like os9?

    I agree. You just have to find new habits. But one thing that I'm sure you'll get used to very easily is Expose, which, if you use it right, completely eliminates the need fro "multiple desktops" or windowshade. What do I mean by "use it right?" Well, probably the smartest thing you can do is...
  3. adambyte

    Sleep (or on/off) bad for HD's?

    Egads. After all this discussion, I see why the hard disk of my PowerBook failed. Constant on and off sleeping and such, combined with hardcore Final Cut editing and Halo creating heat: ye gods! Is anybody actually working on drive reliability and data integrity, rather than mere capacity?
  4. adambyte

    Firefox: Check Spelling As I Type?

    btw, good job, Racer, showing off OmniWeb's use of spellchecking IN the screenshot you showed us. ;)
  5. adambyte

    FS: RARE AS HECK Apple Lisa II working condition

    Wow, I don't necessarily want it (I have my own iCrap, thanks) but that's impressive condition... disks and all!
  6. adambyte

    Firefox: Check Spelling As I Type?

    OmniWeb from the OmniGroup, has this feature because of Mac OS X's built-in checker, however... that's a whole other browser. :-\
  7. adambyte

    Intel Mac

    btw, SInce you've just switched, what you'll be looking for is a "Universal" version... one that works on both PowerPC and Intel Macs.
  8. adambyte

    Cool iBook Mods?

    Hey ra3ndy, is there some sort of adapter one can buy to make a notebook screen VGA compatible, or are you just rewiring it yourself?
  9. adambyte

    4th Gen... Out of Curiosity.

    Shouldn't the question be "Why is the 4th gen iPod so breakable?" I mean, I've had my 1st gen iPod for quite a while now, and it still works great.... hmmmm....
  10. adambyte

    How to hide typing on iChat???

    The official AIM client has this ability. So does Adium (a multi-systetm IM application).
  11. adambyte

    iPod sounds CRAPPY using an AUX IN with my car stereo

    I agree with symphonix- it sounds like you need more head-room. Simply turn down the volume,and you won't get distortion. I find my iPod sounds best at about 80% volume, but then again, mine's first generation. Your mileage may vary.
  12. adambyte

    Final Cut Pro advice needed!

    Heh... just being nit-picky, but that would actually be more like saying, "My next car will be a Honda Camry (or Toyota Accord, take your pick)."
  13. adambyte

    Final Cut Pro advice needed!

    All past versions of Final Cut Pro offer to take an old Project file and save it as a new project file compatible with the new version. I see no reason why the Universal version will be any different. I think the transition should be fairly smooth. However, bearing that in mind, once she copies...
  14. adambyte

    Mac OS X 10.4.6 released...

    Will someone tell congress to stop with my time?!?
  15. adambyte

    ADB Wacom Tablet

    Wow. I am honestly impressed. There's hope! :D Get it working, and I will buy you a beer!
  16. adambyte

    Imovie for Windows and... new video camera

    I'm already running iMovie for WIndows. I'm an official Apple Beta Tester. btw, the code-name for iMovie for Windows is Flying Pigs. I have no idea why, though.
  17. adambyte

    LaCie 300 ("lego") drive?

    I am wary of LaCie products, in general. I have owned two (now busted) LaCie products, and couldn't even get service for the busted pocket drive. It was just after the 1 year warranty... later, I opned it up, and after testing, found that the problem was not th 3rd party hard disk within it, but...
  18. adambyte

    Not a moan

    Hmmm... I'm surprised "not a moan" doesn't yield interesting Google ad results. lol
  19. adambyte

    Apple's 30th Birthday!!!!!!

    This better be an April Fools joke, and they're really just holding out to release stuff on their usual Tuesday schedule... otherwise, I will jump.
  20. adambyte

    I need a job

    You could sell cheap crap to rednecks in a store full of aisles, sell expensive brown water to the intellectual elite, or sell crappy fattening food to a nice cross-section of the whole population.