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  1. J

    Straight question - Can Superdrive be used to burn "consumer dvd's"?

    rharder is correct, but I'd like to explain a little further. Commercial DVD's (at least most of them) have dual-layerd disc. It basically doubles the size of the disc to around 9 gigs. However the media available to consumers are single layered discs, keeping them just over 4 gigs. This is...
  2. J

    Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

    It should install in VPC just fine. However, if it's a legal copy you will have to activate it, and M$ won't let you activate on more than one computer. So it'll work for 30 days and then you wont be able to boot into it anymore.
  3. J

    Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

    Well look at the machine you are running. You have the best mac desktop available. Of course you'll get better speeds in VPC. Now lets look at a iMac 800 (assuming that is what the poster is getting) in X running VPC 5. Although not too much slower than yours, there will be less RAM and I...
  4. J

    Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

    I hope you're joking. Virtual PC (at least version 5 on X) is slower than my balls in molasses. :D It also doesn't have support for 3d acceleration, so forget trying to play most 3d games (UO is 2D I think, but the new one is going to be 3D). If you do plan to play any games, keep that...
  5. J

    Where can I sell my $h!tty PC?

    I hate to say it, but you probably wont get much for a computer like that. I'm trying to sell my PC now, here's the specs: 1.4GHz TBird, 512mb PC2100 DDR RAM, GeForce3 Ti200, 60gig IBM HD, 20gig WD HD, Lian Li aluminum case (top of the line), window mod on the side, two cold cathode black...
  6. J

    Apple just totally pissed me off.

    I guess you could consider my 500 MHz iBook DVD obsolete now, but more by the newer iBook than the iMac (although I'm sure the iMac runs circles around my iBook). But I'm definitely not mad, I'm just trying to find ways to earn money so I can upgrade. :D
  7. J

    iPhoto screenshot here!!

    I still don't understand why Apple is going with the brushed metal look for iPhoto. Aqua looks great, and so far the only apps I've seen that don't follow Aqua's guidelines are the Apple apps (iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie). Is Apple preparing for the removal of Aqua or something??? Why wouldn't...
  8. J

    New Imac Revealed

    No one FORCED you to read the article. That's why I didn't post any pics...:rolleyes:
  9. J

    New Imac Revealed

    We also don't know if this is the only thing being revealed tomorrow. Remember the line "Beyond the rumor sites. Way beyond."??? Well the flat panel iMac was predicted on EVERY rumor site. I think they still have something up their sleeve.
  10. J

    New Imac Revealed

    Since some people might not want to see it until tomorrow, I'll just put up a link. Time Canada has posted their new issue online, with Apple's new iMac as the cover story. Check it out here: Also, another surprise is revealed in the article: iPhoto. :D
  11. J

    "It's like a backstage pass to the future." -

    For the biggest sign that all the images/video are fake, take a look at Although the unit is moved by the person's hand, the text on the unit does not move at all. It is an obvious fake.
  12. J

    Apple will charge us for 10.2.

    I really don't understand why everyone bitches about paying for upgrades. I mean, you want your favorite company to survive, don't you? If 10.2 is as big an upgrade as 10.1, I would gladly pay at least 20 bucks for it. And just be glad Apple updates their operating systems at all...
  13. J

    Photoshop 7 Beta is terrific

    Agreed. Mucho speedy on my iBook 500. :D
  14. J

    VPC 5 now supports dual cpu natively...Can we now play counterstrike? LOL

    The sad thing is, it's not M$'s fault. When installing on my peecee, XP took 20-30 mins. When installing XP on my iBook, it took over an hour. For some reason it just takes a very long time in VPC.
  15. J

    VPC 5 now supports dual cpu natively...Can we now play counterstrike? LOL

    I'm running it on mine with 384 megs of RAM. At first I only gave it 128...big mistake. I gave it 256, and ran it with nothing else in X, it still sucked hard. I just installed 9 to see how it works in there. :D
  16. J

    VPC 5 now supports dual cpu natively...Can we now play counterstrike? LOL

    They did implement it, back in VPC 3 I believe. But with 4, they took it away to make it run faster (I don't know why this would be the case, but this is the reason I've always heard). For some reason I'm really doubting that they are going to bring it back. But they could probably make some...
  17. J

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    Guess it's my turn.
  18. J

    Real Player ?

    Amen. I couldn't have said it any better myself. :D
  19. J

    What features would you like to see on the iPod?

    The reason is that it isn't a microdrive. It is a 5 gig PCMCIA hard drive. The retail price is still $499 for it, though, so I imagine Apple is selling it at a loss. Either that or they got a really great deal.