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  1. B

    American politics - the truth

    For those of you who don't know it [REMOVED] both the movie and his book are PURE Propaganda, nothing else. I believe anything Moore says about as much as I believe Rush Limbaugh. Get a grip on reality folks...
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    [HOWTO] - simply turn Finder's showing of hidden files on or off

    NICE! Thanks for the tip!!! :cool:
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    MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

    I use a Dell laptop and desktop at work and BOTH of these machines are the BIGGEST POS I have ever encountered. I'm not talking the fact that they are hobbled by Win2000 and out LAN Nazis, I'm talking hardware here. The desktop has gone through 2 motherboards a hard drive and an ethernet card...
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    Odd Windows/Mac networking problem

    Yep all are on the same subnet, and both Macs are running 10.3.4. I found out in another forum that I have to go to the GO > CONNECT TO SERVER and enter smb://(pc's network name)/(a shared folder on the pc) then click connect. That works and I was able to save the shortcut to the PC to...
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    MusicMatch and Dell are pathetic...

    I have a Gen 1 and I'm not at ALL tempted...I HATE Dell....
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    Odd Windows/Mac networking problem

    Ok, here is what I am doing, maybe someone here can help me. I have 2 Macs (a G4 desktop and an iBook) and a Windows PC (XP Home) all on my Airport Network (the PC is on a LiinkSys USB box). I've been able to have the Macs network for quite some time, but I found the need to add the PC in...
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    Got my AirPort Express!

    I just grabbed them both and they look mighty handy. Thanks for the Links!
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    Is Tiger 10.4 only available for G4s?

    HMMM...sounds suspiciously like the whole iPod battery issue (don't use the backlight, etc...)
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    Colour iPod (merged thread)

    In this arena, there is only ONE reliable source, and often HE isn't that reliable: Steve Jobs....
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    Is Tiger 10.4 only available for G4s?

    Actually, I have not throttled back the CPU or dimmed the monitor, but I do mostly surf the web and do e-mail while using airport, I will admit. I've dumped some photos to it, but it was plugged in when I did that. I have yet to do anything very processor intensive with it, as it was mainly...
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    Is Tiger 10.4 only available for G4s?

    How much "better" is "a lot better"? My G4 iBook so far has gotten 4+ hours out of the battery. How much more than that are the G3 iBooks getting?
  12. B

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    MAN! That sounds SWEET! All I've done is simply upgrade my aging sawtooth to a 1.3Mhz processor and stuffed it full of RAM (well, RAM and HDDs), but nothing like what you've done. I need to get a new Graphics card for this beast as well. I'm going to pick up a 14inch iBook tomorrow afternoon...
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    A six-step plan for Apple...

    Can't fault you for that. I'll keep my G4/400 (now 1.3Ghz)Sawtooth until it just won't go anymore and then maybe I'll upgrade to a G5. What other kind of Cube "Modifying" have you done? If you want to slam on Jobs, have at it, just don't whine while doing it...
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    A six-step plan for Apple...

    Is it REALLY all about pleasing the masses and market share? Isn't that what M$ does, and look how popular they are. Sure, everyone uses a PC but mostly because they HAVE to or don't know any better. Does bigger necessarily mean better? I'm not so sure. Apparently you ARE the only one...
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    A six-step plan for Apple...

    Sorry you just blew your wad on an expensive monitor, but exactly HOW is that Apples problem again (oh wait, they don't make what you want, right?). So the real question is, why are you switching? Or have you already? As for "thinking outside myself" your last post certainly didn't make it...
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    A six-step plan for Apple...

    For the life of me I don't get the whole monitor thing. So what if you have a spare monitor or two. I have 3 sitting around. WTF is the big deal? If you don't like Apples product line, then don't buy one. I don't like Dells and would never buy one. An HP? Maybe. If you are to lame or...
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    Who will steer our ship after Steve?

    Isn't that how they got John Scully (minus the acquisition part)? I also don't believe for a moment that Apple "acquired" Steve. I believe he found a way to "re-Acquire" Apple instead....
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    Anyone else heard about this?

    My wife got this e-mail from the LAN folks at her office: Subject: Simple message explaining the problem and solution. "If you have a computer at home and connect to the Internet with Internet Explorer read on; To make a very long story short, there are a large number of Microsoft web...
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    What's really happening at Apple?

    WOW! I was just at an Apple store in LA and they had TONS of them. Even the local Target and CompUSA have them in stock here (Southern California)....