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  1. G

    I want my Apple Mobile Phone!

    iPhone, never. This phone? Meh. I know that people want iTunes integration... guess I'm just happy with my Slimp3 player, and my stereo as is.
  2. G

    Colour iPod (merged thread)

    there's never been a "reliable source" unless you include baseless speculation as your "source"... if that's the case, I got a few good ones. Like the return of the Cube. You heard it here first ;)
  3. G

    What happened to those 300,000 60G iPod drives?

    lol. sounds like the rest of the confirmed reports around here.
  4. G

    New iPod Photo

  5. G

    New iPod Photo

    yeah, batting a 1.000 in the wrong way doesn't look too well. I'm gonna start confirming my own speculations here soon. Seems to be the way to get stuff noticed.
  6. G

    New iPod Photo

    oh nice. I likes... no color screen though. hmmm... some predictions seem to have been confirmed wrong.
  7. G

    how much did u save on refurbished deals?

    I mostly deal with G4 Cubes, but I've saved tons. I got my mother a refurbished iMac - 17" widescreen - and I saved about 450.00. No problems yet. *knocks on wood*
  8. G

    870 vs 517 unique words

    Proof! sort of, that Mac users seek way too much justification for using a Mac ;)
  9. G

    Next gen iMacs G5 CONFIRMED!

    hmmm. now this rumor I like.
  10. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    1.2ghz 7457 G4 in one, 1.0ghz 7455 G4 in two others. I've chromed one Cube - that one actually sold as soon as I showed it to a friend. In one, as mentioned before, a GeForce3, the chromed one had a GeForce2 MX, and the one in my footer has the ATi 9700. That extra space by the Powerlogix...
  11. G

    IE losing market share, just going to get worse

    read somewhere that iTunes has core parts of the KHTML engine that Safari uses also present in the Windows version of iTunes. So, that's definitely a step closer to Safari on the PC than originally thought. Now if it'll be done 100%, I'd like hope so.
  12. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    yep. easily and higher - the stock ATi would do it, but I have a Geforce3 in one, and an ATi 9700 in the Cube that's in my footer. Wanted to see if Quartz Extreme is what they claim - and I saw instant results. As for the rest of your post, you're entitled to your opinion; now allow me...
  13. G

    Next gen iMacs G5 CONFIRMED!

    Seems that you can never satisfy a mac user unless you agree with them and/or speculate just like them. so... <speculate> It'll be white. </speculate>
  14. G

    what's going on with imac/office depot

    maybe Apple is moving the inventory through other means?
  15. G

    Why won't Apple let me buy a Mac without a Keyboard???

    then by your earlier post, if a keyboard is that essential, buy another mac... right? :p heck, I got two keyboards, three pro mice, and for once, I won't include my spare monitors... and last I checked, a keyboard isn't all that essential. especially when I have more spares than I'd care for.
  16. G

    "Apple: Up the Market Without a CPU" ?

    cool article. I truly hope you don't draw any flames. the importance of Sony/IBM cell is highly overlooked by many.
  17. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    and with that mentality, I see why they're at 2.8% and slipping in terms of share. isn't it about time that they stop offering what they think you should want/need, and offer what is a more custom fit to a wider audience? I mean, that's what's it's all about... pleasing the masses. And...
  18. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    erm, dude. glad you crawled out to post your vitriol. makes me feel special. for your information, I just paid 1100.00 USD for a monitor. I'm in no rush to replace it with an iMac. And besides, I wasn't talking about myself... unfortunately, I actually have the ability to think outside...
  19. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    Those clones used IDE when Apple was still using SCSI. Those clones were not exactly what I'd call high quality - more like the early eMachines or Packard-Bell machines... cheap to the core. All of this comparing an Apple to a Ferrari... nope. A Ferrari can actually outrun a Ford. Apple's...
  20. G

    A six-step plan for Apple...

    but an eMac is for a person that doesn't have a monitor. I have two extra ones at my house. My own mother has two, excluding the one that's on her iMac. the lower end mac doesn't need to sacrifice anything, imho. It just needs to be mass marketed via the same routes they have with Target...