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  1. Excalibur

    Ghost Recon: Who's played it?

    One of the greatest tactical games I've ever played. I bought it for the Mac about a week ago. I played on the PC a while back. Very realistic and VERY fun multiplayer. Played co-op with 5 people at a LAN party. I HIGHLY recommend it. You have to use a lot of tactical skills to get those guys...
  2. Excalibur

    Terminal User Input into a variable for a script

    $username is your variable now. Just change USERNAME to whatever you wish.
  3. Excalibur

    iPod dead!

    Plugged it in the firewire, just as I was about to take it in.... and now it works. That is one of the wierdest things I've seen there in a long time. :confused:
  4. Excalibur

    iPod dead!

    My 5gig iPod seems to have bit the bullet fully here. :confused: Before would have probs with it not powering on and I'd have to plug it in the firewire or wall to 'kick start it' even though the battery was full. Now after using it the following night it doesn't even power on. Reset doesn't...
  5. Excalibur

    Meet the Board of Directors... who are they and what do they have to do with us?

    If I remember right... Be wanted an insane amount of money that was several times that of what they paid for NeXT, plus they got Steve Jobs back. I think the cost of the buy is what screwed that deal more than anything. Plus Be was unproven technology, we as NeXT had been proven in its markets...
  6. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    That was the 'Cell' processor that is being used for the PS3. Its based on the same design theory but its a different processor. I agree with you woeye, keeping customers in the dark if they are willing to buy can be tough but most don't do that. The non-disclosure thing, ya know? I...
  7. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    Amen. part 2. :) LOL
  8. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    Well my main point isn't just this generation of processors. My point is the future of the Mac processor development from now and beyond. Motorola shows no desire for designing desktop processors for Apple, only embedded chips and cell phones. Thats what my posts were about. I'm looking at IBM...
  9. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    G3 don't work in SMP format. So that is why the G4 was adopted. Everyone is missing my point on why I was hoping IBM will be the chip developer, if its teh 970 fine if its not fine. My point is chip development. IBM is doing that, Motorola isn't. Motorola's market is embedded chips. They can't...
  10. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    1st. Quote: "IBM's new PowerPC 970 64-bit chip is all about bringing high-end server processing power to the desktop, low-end server and pervasive space," said Michel Mayer, general manager, IBM Microelectronics Division. It's target is...
  11. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    I don't know why you don't get it. The IBM 970 is being designed for workstations not servers. So let the price thing go. Different market, different price. NEXT... The reason Apple didn't go with G3's at 1GHZ was at teh time then G4 was at around 600MHz. I'd love to see how good chance...
  12. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    The IBM 970 has much higher bandwidth than the 'rumored' G5. PLus much better SMP management as well. Also this performance numbers are specualation as Apple must design a custom bridge chip to use it so performance can be higher, or lower, we don't know. But we all know Motorola's 'realibilty'...
  13. Excalibur

    Motorola PowerPC 7457

    Perfect post. I agree totally. I'm happy with the Mac I got. Once they get a machine out with some compeditive performance to the market, I'll be in the hunt for an upgraded Mac. The updates the last 2-3 years have been bad. An average of 250MHz a year can be fatal. They JUST now learned to...
  14. Excalibur

    How do I set up a DNS server?

    If you want a GUI for bind, and more. Try Webmin. You can control basically the entire machine via the browser. This runs on an *NIX variant including OSX. Enjoy
  15. Excalibur

    Networking Problem on OSX

    Applescript should be able to do this no problem. Technically I'd have to look into the details for it, but I know it is possible because Applescript is a networkable technology even across the internet. You can create one script to network to each machine to run or even create a local script...
  16. Excalibur

    Anyone know of a command line AppleScript editor?

    Actually I found out you can use pico, vi, or emacs to write the script. To run it from the terminal just use... osascript "script name" and it should run no problem. Good luck.
  17. Excalibur

    Script to open terminal and launch telnet

    Open the Script editor. and cut and paste this code. set myIP to text returned of (display dialog "Input IP Address" buttons {"Ok", "Cancel"} default answer "" default button {"Ok"}) tell application "Terminal" activate do script "telnet " & myIP end tell It will prompt you for...
  18. Excalibur

    A sense of humor

    Mine says 4.0 as well.
  19. Excalibur

    10.2 php Enable

    You also need to add these lines to the httpd.conf file as well... AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php3 .php3
  20. Excalibur

    How fast is iMac 17"?

    I'd go with the dual 867 for performance. Dual processors DO make a difference in the overall responsiveness in OSX, as it does support it. When multitasking the load is balanced across both processors and you will be able to tell. Also many games DO support dual processors now as well. Most...