Search results

  1. MrNivit1

    Mac Virii (or Viruses, if you prefer)...

    There has been a lot of talk about viruses in a bunch of threads. Other threads and sources say that Windows has over 50,000 of them. Luckily, we Mac users have only ever been plagued with 300 (mostly old OS 9 ones, too). For the fun of it, let's see if we can name them all... One...
  2. MrNivit1

    M$ has surrendered to the Blaster worm

    There are always shareware alternatives. If a big company decides not to develop for OS X, and there is a demand, then a shareware or start-up will always step in to meet supply.
  3. MrNivit1 word association!

  4. MrNivit1

    Is that a Panther In Your Pocket ...

    you could always pick up a Newton on ebay... that is, if they are still floating around...
  5. MrNivit1 word association!

  6. MrNivit1

    IBM prototype chip thingy

    Here, here for IBM! The Mac has a processor future (unlike the empty promises with Motorola).
  7. MrNivit1 word association!

    Blue (Red, Green, Blue; RGB)
  8. MrNivit1 word association!

  9. MrNivit1 word association!

  10. MrNivit1

    Your bottom 10 movies

    Equilibrium - cheap knockoff of the Matrix Freddy Got Fingered - didn't it win an award for sucking so much? Any Disney movie released only on video - SOMEONE PLEASE STOP THE INSANITY. The Sound of Music - see previous comment. The Rocky and Bulwinkle movie - They should have stayed in the...
  11. MrNivit1 word association!

  12. MrNivit1

    worst song ever

    There's that crazy Star Wars Rap flash movie... Also f****** catchy...
  13. MrNivit1

    new powerbooks tuesday, i can feel it.

    whoohoo!! I've been waiting to get a Powerbook sometime this summer... Glad I waited... Sorry for the dumb question, but 7457 = G5 right?
  14. MrNivit1

    Apple to go x86 for sure. Got proof.

    With the introduction of the G5 and 64 bit processing (into its hardware AND software), I would seriously doubt that Apple would step backwards and adopt the still 32-bit x86 porcessors... I recomend reading Apple's white paper on the new G5...
  15. MrNivit1

    Panther like a dreary day...

    There are such things as theme changers (haven't tried one myself, yet)... I know something like this should be in OS X by default, but if Apple dosen't offer it, someone else (third party, shareware) will... That is one of the reasons why I love the Mac platform... These kind of issues are...
  16. MrNivit1

    M$ has surrendered to the Blaster worm

    The biggest point I see in the action M$ is taking is that by shutting down its servers, it is admitting (allowing) a hacker/virus producer to achieve his/her goal; disrution of normal computer/network function. A shutdown like this says to other hackers/virus makers that if you find a hole in...
  17. MrNivit1

    The 2003 Blackout, and the face of Real America

    Dunno... but this sort of set-up was explained (ficitionally) by Prot in the movie K-Pax... 2 suns, constant twilight conditions...
  18. MrNivit1

    Trouble @ Startup???

    SAFE MODE = hold down shift key at startup ;)
  19. MrNivit1

    Wireless B&W g3? help!

    I've been trying to connect to a PC wireless network... It has been a nightnare for me (tried several PCI cards, access points, etc...). Is there a wireless PCI card out there that has Mac support? I finally bought an wireless bridge (Linksys) that feeds the wireless signal out to an...
  20. MrNivit1

    iPod battery misbehaving

    I'm going out on a limb here, but it could be that the HD is bad (i.e. dosen't spin up to read a song). Can you still mount it as an HD on your mac? If you can, then the HD should be physically OK. Then, try running the iPod HD through a disk utility program (Disk warrior, or even apple's own...