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  1. holmBrew

    Anyone know where php.ini is?

    will phpinfo(); tell you?
  2. holmBrew

    Anyone know where php.ini is?

    in the terminal type: locate php.ini i get: /usr/local/lib/php.ini
  3. holmBrew

    Compatibility between Mac OS X and Windows XP on a network..

    As well as native PPTP and IPSec support for all your VPN needs. Jaguar is gonna kick ass.
  4. holmBrew

    Classic won't startup!:'0(

    Open your extentions manager and turn off those uneeded extentions. Do you have enough RAM?
  5. holmBrew

    Classic won't startup!:'0(

    Remember the 'Bless the System Folder' trick? Try that.
  6. holmBrew

    Compatibility between Mac OS X and Windows XP on a network..

    On you PC just turn on sharing for those directories you wish to share and that is pretty much it. From the 'Go' menu in the Finder choose 'Connect to Server' (also Cmd + K) and enter: smb:// [enter] enter username and password. voooo-allll-aaa
  7. holmBrew

    CD " in use" and will not eject

    Sometimes when the CD willnot eject it takes and App like iTunes or the DVD Player to force the issue. Start iTunes and hit the eject button. I had a similar issue with a Zip disk, only the damn thing never mounted and the manual eject hole is not accessible on the newer 'Quicksilver' boxes...
  8. holmBrew


    Let's see it! Post your Finder-funkyness.
  9. holmBrew


    did you happen to click around in the directory? sometimes it said it was the 200+ TB number, other time it was like 1.31 TB. strange, eh?
  10. holmBrew


    Check this out?!?!? Finder confusion!
  11. holmBrew

    free Perl-editor

    if you already have bbedit, you shouldl be able to get an extention for it.... and there is always gvim for x-windows if you have XDarwin installed....
  12. holmBrew

    Web Server?

    It is sop great having Apache! That coupled with a some sort of script like JSP or PHP (I mostly use JSP, although PHP is fun and fast to develop in) and a DB like MySQL makes you Mac a full fledged enterprise class development environment. I develop webb apps on my Mac and deploy them to Sun...
  13. holmBrew


    I assume this is for a Cable/DSl connection? I would go withe the Linksys Cable/DSL 4-port router. It have a very slick config suite accessed via a web browser and it is very east to setup. Once you get one you'll be up and running in about 15 minutes. It is a great firewall and can do all...
  14. holmBrew

    Promote your OSX wares on TechTV
  15. holmBrew

    Photoshop 7 And Illustrator 10 losing some shortcuts

    This problem that I am having seems to be related to Flash MX. Today I have PS7 running and then decided I need ed make some tweaks to a Flash project of mine, view the Flash piece in the Flash Player and the CTRL-OPT-CMD-Space related keyboard shortcuts went away.
  16. holmBrew

    Photoshop 7 And Illustrator 10 losing some shortcuts

    I am having a problem with some important keyboard shortcuts in PS7 and AI10. For some reason, and I have not been able to track down the cause, both PS7 and AI10 lose the CTRL-OPT-CMD-Space related keyboard shortcuts. The only thing that brings them back is Restarting! Has anyone else had...
  17. holmBrew

    10.1.5 fixed with Network (Ethernet)

    What was the problem that you were having? What is this suppose to fix?
  18. holmBrew

    Instant Kernal Panic

    registers? do you mean the logs? it was a full stack trace... give it a try if you can...
  19. holmBrew

    help with ppp and dsl please

    I use Earthlink DSL and they do give you a connection, but will not let you browse until you auth into their network via PPPoE at which point the throw you an IP via DHCP. Even if you have a static IP through earthlink, you still have to auth with PPPoE. My network config is: DSL Modem...
  20. holmBrew

    Instant Kernal Panic

    I can create, 100% consistency, a kernal panic by executing the following from the Terminal whos current directory is a Samba/CIFS share from a Win2k box: mv <source_file> ~/Desktop/<target_directory> this creates a instant kernal panic, whereas copying the file does not can anyone else...