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  1. Red Phoenix

    It's done!!!!

    However, he is going insane, so there's a discount.
  2. Red Phoenix


    The reason you can't find gnumeric in Fink is because it's currently only in "unstable". Also, there is no binary offered, so you'll have to type fink install gnumeric after this, instead of using dselect. Assuming that you installed Fink under /sw, to use a package in unstable, type in the...
  3. Red Phoenix

    Need help -- math minds required :p

    Try f(x) = x^2 * (x-1)^2 / 4. Every number you listed is a perfect square, that is f(0) = 0^2 f(1) = 0^2 f(2) = 1^2 f(3) = 3^2 f(4) = 6^2 f(5) = 10^2 f(6) = 15^2 and those numbers are 0, 0, 0+1, 0+1+2, 0+1+2+3, 0+1+2+3+4, 0+1+2+3+4+5... Lastly, the sum 1+2+...+n is known to be n(n+1)/2.
  4. Red Phoenix

    College Experience?

    I went to Lafayette College which was great, but tuition was over $30,000 a year when I graduated (this past May). Fortunately, Lafayette was great when it came to scholarships, so very few people ever had to pay that much. In fact, the only people who actually did were the kind of people who...
  5. Red Phoenix

    Imac @ The Spotlights!

    It would for me, too, especially since the Microcenter in Columbus that Ed was talking about is about a five minute drive from where I live. Unfortunately, that's $179 off, for a price of $799. That's too bad, since my fiance needs a new computer...Heck, I'd need a new computer for that price.
  6. Red Phoenix

    Are you a gamer?

    I've been mostly playing Unreal Tournament in OS X. I think the game that I've been most impressed with was Deus Ex, but I haven't played it since getting the public beta of OS X. On, Glenda Adams has mentioned there's a very small chance of taking the carbonization...
  7. Red Phoenix


    What I'm curious about is that Pixar said they weren't going to meet previous expectations for the next quarter. I mean, I know they don't make much money when they don't make a movie, but they ought to have figured that in, originally. Unless they're gonna buy some new equipment...
  8. Red Phoenix

    I found this (Macnash).

    He's right, he did. And dang it if it ain't non-technical.
  9. Red Phoenix

    Shell script to empty trash? Applescript maybe?

    Type which rm in the Terminal. It should say /bin/rm. If not, then you probably installed a newer version of the the file utilities (as was mentioned on this site, MacOS X Hints, and Resexcellence, among other places). Unfortunately, the rm command has a bug such that it can't delete folders...
  10. Red Phoenix


    I know a lot of people at enjoy bragging about how long their computers have been running, so I thought I'd mention this here: has a program that reports uptimes to them from people on different computers and operating systems. It's only for people with a...
  11. Red Phoenix and AIM

    EDITED: Never mind, we said the same thing, only I said it slightly later.
  12. Red Phoenix and AIM

    I may be wrong in this, but I believe that their Java client connects via TOC. And incidentally, I was having the same problems everyone else was having, but using Proteus. It's now up again, so it might have just been a temporary outage.
  13. Red Phoenix

    good x window manager?

    Try Oroborus, although it doesn't by default come with an Aqua scheme. If you get OroborOS X, that program will allow you to run XDarwin applications alongside the rest of your applications, with an Aqua scheme to boot.
  14. Red Phoenix

    Is this a joke...?

    I don't think this should actually count as a review, since apparently their closest contact with a Mac is from store windows. Does someone actually make money for writing this?
  15. Red Phoenix

    XFree86, Gimp, AbiWord, & Upgrades

    If have the time to download the source and compile it all, I'd suggest getting Fink at . It'll do all of the downloading and compiling for you. Plus you can easily configure Fink so that by just typing fink selfupdate it will update its files, and fink update-all...
  16. Red Phoenix

    PNG images...

    That's a lot of questions, so I think the only way to answer it is to point you to the PNG website. Of particular interest would be "A Basic Introduction to PNG Features" and "Frequently Asked Questions". While it's not like I run a major website, I find PNGs to be much better than static...
  17. Red Phoenix

    news reader for osx

    I liked Newsflash when it first came out, but a new alpha hasn't been updated in a long time (although they still seem to be active) and the bugs began to get annoying. Does it have much in the way of binaries support? I can't remember.
  18. Red Phoenix

    As the Apple Turns

    It could have been. I mainly remember that it died completely not too long after Mac OS 8 came out.
  19. Red Phoenix

    As the Apple Turns

    Ambrosia Software used to host a bunch of other sites. I remember the one you're talking about, because I used to go to it all the time. It was a slightly different format, but was definitely made to look like OS 7 or close to that.
  20. Red Phoenix

    As the Apple Turns

    Oh, yes. Yes, I do.