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  1. H

    prwxrwxrwx or srwxrwxrwx that is the question...

    It also is dependent on what version of 'ls' you use. If you use the stock one, you get one thing, if you use a different one (such as the GNU one), you get something else [wm195:/private/tmp] howardm% ls -lt total 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 howardm wheel 738 Dec 19 16:23 Kerberos.log...
  2. H

    email listserver/majordomo?

    Cmon Hardy, If you can program Newtonscript and PalmOS, majordomo shouldn't be a problem :D :D :D
  3. H

    Quick Airport question.

    the answer is '95% yes'. I have a mixed assortment of stuff (Wavelan cards, Airport equipped laptops, Airport base stations, Lucent basestations, etc) and they all play together very well. Sometimes, in odd circumstances, you have to play hard, particularly if your using WEP encryption...
  4. H

    Getting MTR or Matt's traceroute running on OS X.

    I just compile v.0.44 fine on my OSX box. Seems to work fine w/o any hackery.
  5. H

    ftp access outside /Users/*

    actually, you dont have to do anything. The normal mode for FTP would allow that. For example, I can FTP into my G4 as my usual user and can then do a 'cd /Volumes' w/o problem. Perhaps your thinking of the chroot hack in the Apple ftpd that makes the machine do a chroot if the...
  6. H

    Airport 2.0 does not work anymore with AP/1000 base stations... Help!

    I'm in exactly the same boat as you (TiPBG4 RevB w/ Airport 2) on an office network w/ AP1000's and at home w/ an RG1000. They both work for me. You should have your sysadmins doublecheck that: 1. if they are using MAC address access control, your in it. 2. The WEP passwd in the...
  7. H

    terminal color partly working - need help

    I have since lost it to a bad disk crash but I did have mutt compiled w/ ncurses and it was fully colorized. You might want to doublecheck the mutt compile or do a -v on it as that will tell you the compile options.
  8. H

    ntpd and ntpdate

    I dont have my machine in front of me but in the Date/Time syspref, you can specify an NTP host (default is a list of Apple time servers). I altered it to one of our corporate servers and my Ti sync's fine.
  9. H

    Understanding my path and running my dumb perl programs

    My point was that you stated that the user had to open up a new terminal shell in order to use a changed PATH setting and that isn't strictly true. Also, simply changing the PATH in the current shell wont affect others unless the change is made to one of the startup files such as .tcshrc
  10. H

    Understanding my path and running my dumb perl programs

    thats not true at all. the 'rehash' command updates the current shell's cache of PATH elements. Make sure the script is mode 755 or so (executable).
  11. H

    help installing windowmaker

    You most likely did NOT download the Xprog.tgz (programmer) tarball which is required if you want compile anything. The configuure script generally looks for certain .h header files which are not part of the vanilla 'required' set.
  12. H

    Incomplete Termcap Entry

    you may have either the TERMCAP environment variable set env |grep TERMCAP or, you possibly have a local termcap file and probably dont ls ~/.termcap You really shouldn't have either unless you have a reason to.
  13. H

    tftp and syslog

    I've gotten tftp to work but I needed to edit /etc/inetd.conf and remove the -s flag from the tftpd invocation line. Then obviously HUP the inetd. When you get teh file from the OSX server, it has to be of the form 'get /absolute/path/of/file file' I cant make the '-s' thing work.
  14. H


    I was using mutt locally w/ an NFS mounted mailspool file. I haven't tried using via telnet/ssh back to my OSX box. I can try that today if I get into the office or remember.
  15. H

    where is dvd player?

    suprise! I'll bet you do not have AGP graphics. The 10.1 installer will not install nor will the DVD player support non-AGP. I'm in the same boat as you. I have a Lombard and no DVD unless I boot into OS9. What BS.
  16. H

    importing users from sun possible?

    I answered this on the board but it should be possible. Check 'niload' and friends. You'll need a good grip on the NetInfo nightmare.
  17. H

    Installing openLDAP

    I made a tarball for you. anon ftp to bin cd pub get openldap_macosx.tar.gz you will not be able to 'ls' or 'dir' The tarball should have everything you need. you want to put the libdl.dylib in /usr/local/lib The .tar.gz will auto-delete in a few days.
  18. H

    running NFS server on a Solaris box in user mode

    Well, it's 8AM and I'm half asleep but work on Solaris boxes all day. You should ask your admin exactly what he means by this. If your account is on disks attached to machine X, then X needs to export them. Once that happens, you can mount them. Setting up the export is usually a...
  19. H

    Tracing system calls

    Unfortunately, OSX doesn't seem to have the all important 'ptrace' syscall which is what is generally required to make that happen. You might want to check out 'lsof' though (it lists open files, etc).
  20. H

    Installing openLDAP

    that stuff is NOT in the 2.0.18 release. When I first tried openldap a few months ago, the released version (2.0.15 ?) didn't support Darwin. Apparently, the newest release (18) does although there are one or two tiny problems (the -fno-common problem)