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  1. nkuvu

    Speech Recognition

    So how well do the mikes pick up your voice? My last experience with voice input was on the PC side of things, and you basically had to yell at the computer to get above any kind of background noise (like someone breathing ;) ).
  2. nkuvu

    The faster browser is…

    My point exactly. Judging a browser by speed alone is missing a lot.
  3. nkuvu

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Perfect -- that's what I was waiting for. Thanks.
  4. nkuvu

    Adobe crack down

    There are other tools that are useful in graphics manipulation. Gimp, for example, is very powerful and FREE. It might not be as good as PhotoShop, but at least you can use it legally.
  5. nkuvu

    Mozilla 1.0 released

    Hey, don't paint me the wrong color, Ed. :) I never said I use a text-only browser. Someone asked what would be fastest, and that'd be text-only. They didn't ask "What's the fastest browser that isn't text-only?" in which case I really don't know. OW is my browser of choice. I am one of...
  6. nkuvu

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Hey, I'm not trying to complain about the dial-up. I'm the one unwilling to pay for broadband. What I'm complaining about is that Software Update lied and said I could continue, and that Apple hasn't made it available any other way yet...
  7. nkuvu

    Mozilla 1.0 released

    Just another FYI... OmniWeb has an option to only display pages when they are finished loading. So that particular problem is only a preference away...
  8. nkuvu

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Arg. Yet another reason I hate dial up access. I decided to try to download the update through Software Update. Got about a quarter of the way through, and my computer went to sleep. Doh! So I woke it up, and there was a message -- "To resume downloading where you left off, just press the...
  9. nkuvu

    Cool Mozilla 1.0 Feature

    Just a FYI... OmniWeb does the same drag-a-folder thing.
  10. nkuvu

    The Acronym Thread

    Die, Donut, Radioactively! If they do have to be serious I'm in trouble. SPCR
  11. nkuvu

    Congrats to nkuvu!

    Uh, can you say *bump*? :D So here I am again, talking to myself... Hey, anyone, how crowded are European schools? What's an average class size? How well are teachers paid? If anyone is interested in seeing some pictures of the new house, let me know and I'll post a web page. If...
  12. nkuvu

    Congrats to xoot!

    *poof* Show me where I have been posting insanely. I have made every effort from day one to provide useful, accurate posts (or at least mildly entertaining). Then tell me how my posting habits have changed between then and now. I don't think anything has changed -- except that life has...
  13. nkuvu

    Costumizing osx

    I just got this mental picture of my new iMac in a bra -- pretty scary. :D
  14. nkuvu

    Mac OS X 10.1.5 Released!

    Not knowing is not stupidity, it's ignorance. And ignorance is entirely forgivable, especially when the person seeks the knowledge they lack. IOW, don't call yourself stupid for not knowing.
  15. nkuvu

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Yeah, but you're in Tempe with all those buildings that work as a thermal sink. So it doesn't cool off at night as much as in Tucson, so heats up faster during the day... And Tucson is nicer. And the Wildcats beat your team all over the place. Joking! I'm just playing "my city is better...
  16. nkuvu

    Isn't the CRT officially dead?

    I don't think adambyte was flaming you. Just correcting. From my experience, different people have different eyesight. Some have what I call "fast" eyes, some "slow" eyes. People with fast eyes can see the flicker on a lower refresh rate (talking about CRTs here), and it's very annoying...
  17. nkuvu

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Currently 98° F / 37° C here -- and sunny, strangely enough. :)
  18. nkuvu

    Mozilla 1.0 released

    I think I missed something... Darn work getting in the way of my surfing! :p :)
  19. nkuvu

    The faster browser is…

    Like I said, it's not the most user friendly browser, but I'd love for someone to show me a faster one. :)
  20. nkuvu

    The faster browser is…

    Nope, Links is where the speed is. Text only browsers don't have to do all that formatting and rendering and downloading images and stuff. Pure speed... :) Note that I am not saying "Pure Best all around browser". :D