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  1. btoneill

    can i do this with sed?

    There are probably 100 different tools you could use to do it :) If you wanted you could do it with sed, with awk, with perl, tcl, php, c, c++, pascal, basic, lisp, elisp, python, etc etc etc :) Brian
  2. btoneill

    G5 powerbooks :) [or at least a hilarious mock-up...]

    The problem I have with this is the author is an idiot. He has it listed as the worlds first 64bit mobile computer. This is really really far from true. Tadpole has been selling 64bit SPARC laptops for years and years. :) Brian
  3. btoneill

    DVD Writer

    Except iDVD doesn't work on external DVD burners, just internal. And since he has an iMac, he's kinda SOL :) Brian
  4. btoneill

    Pismo, Panther, scanner

    Depending on what quality you want, I got a Canon LiDE 20 for $50 that works amazingly well in Panther. The LiDE 30 is around $70 and has a bit more quality. It's 600x1200dpi, not sure how that compares to your old AGFA scanner, or if you're looking for higher end. I just know this little $50...
  5. btoneill

    can i do this with sed?

    Any reason why you want to use sed to do this? The best way to do this would most likely be using applescript via osascript. Brian
  6. btoneill

    getting a new 12" notebook, but which??

    I vote for the 12" iBook. Buy it stock off the shelf, stick in an AirportExtreme card, and buy 512M of 3rd party memory. $1299 total for it with the card and memory. Thats what I did and I love this little laptop. Brian
  7. btoneill

    Can't get X11 to forward over SSH, what's wrong...

    You're not supposed to set the DISPLAY on the remote server when you're using ssh. ssh sets it for you automatically. Type "echo $DISPLAY" and you should see something like "localhost:10.0", which is the pseudo entry that ssh uses to tunnel X to your local box. Brian
  8. btoneill

    trust cheap memory?

    I have 512M Kingston SODIMMS in both my iBook G4 and my iMac G4 and haven't had a kernel panic on either one. Ofcourse YMMV. Brian
  9. btoneill

    DNS responder fails - why and how to fix it?

    mDNSResponder is used with Rendezous and is used for name discovery/reponses on a network that has other hosts using Rendezous. So, mDNSResponder isn't responsible for your normal DNS stuff. Are you sure now that you're in the DMZ you can access a DNS server? What does 'host' tell...
  10. btoneill

    Dual Monitor Support???

    I'm just wondering why you're crippling OS X with a PCI video card? You can't use Quartz Extreme with it. If I were you I'd go buy a retail boxed Radeon 9000/9800, stick your two primary screens on that. Then may try a 3rd monitor on your PCI card, but just having it display anything that...
  11. btoneill

    Passwords on OSX

    Before you complain, did you open up system preferences and click on the security button? Did you not notice the "Disable automatic login" checkbox? Try unchecking that. Did you tell to remember your password? always runs without asking me for my password. Brian
  12. btoneill

    Bandwidth monitor

    By "how many MB/GB of upload/download" do you mean since the computer booted? Brian
  13. btoneill

    virus utlity for mac?

    I have Virex installed cause it's free for .Mac users :) I wouldn't pay $60 for a virus package tho. Brian
  14. btoneill

    quick questions

    Right now the only way to reliably keep the PB from sleeping when you close the lid is this: which basically involves taping a piece of metal over the magnet that triggers the sensor that tells the PB that the lid is closed and to sleep. The lack of...
  15. btoneill

    virus utlity for mac?

    Au contraire mon frair (said in a Bart Simpson voice): There are infact quite a few stupid applescript viruses, and also word/excel macro virus's that can effect macs. But not to the extent that they effect windows...
  16. btoneill

    fink and xemacs

    Friends don't let friends run Emacs. :) Brian
  17. btoneill

    Plastic front for Powermac

    Actually somewhere out there, I can't find the line anymore, is a walk-thru on how to modify a graphite g4 to add a 2nd 5.25" drive bay. Ofcourse, it requires extensive use of a dremel ;) Brian
  18. btoneill

    Problems With Toast on 10.3.3

    I'll pipe in as another 10.3.3 user with no problems with Toast 6.0.3. Brian
  19. btoneill

    Clear differences between 12" ibook and powerbook

    Oh, also forgot that if you want AppleCare, it's $249 for the iBook and $349 for the PB. Brian
  20. btoneill

    AppleCare Cares Nothing For Downtime

    Someone asked "why buy AppleCare?" Well, piece of mind for one, but you have to weigh the cost/risk. I spent $1500 on my wifes iMac and paid $170 for AppleCare. So, I paid approx 10% of the cost to replace it if it dies in 3 years. To me that was a no brainer. Now, on my 12" iBook I paid $1099...