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  1. K

    Why using MAC OS 9???

    Compared to NT? I use NT regulary (unfortunately), and it crashes all the time! Microsoft's products has a habit of crashing. And then is doesn't matter how good the mulitasking, or program, is supposed to be when it just doesn't work! :p Kris
  2. K

    Why using MAC OS 9???

    Verres: If you don't like Mac OS 9, - don't use it. But Mac OS 9 does not suck! It's fast, smooth and looks good (among some of its great feautres). :) But it's different than OS X, and that was the point too. Working with the Classic Mac OS just isn't the same as working with OS X. 1: Let...
  3. K

    Show Your Dock

    I felt like showing my dock, so here goes: :) Kris
  4. K

    Java 1.4 SDK

    Thank you, I'm back on track now. :) No wonder I couldn't find it since it's not a stand alone application! Kris
  5. K

    Java 1.4 SDK

    Hmhm.. I can't seem to find javac. It's neither in the /Developer/Applications folder not anywhere else on the system. I find this really strange.. I installed the packages DevSDK and DevTools, so I should be there, - right? :) Kris
  6. K

    Java 1.4 SDK

    Thanks. :) ProjectBuilder was on the CD, so now I can start writing Java again. :) - But actually, I prefer the old simple tools. Like the javac, jBindery etc. Isn't there any simple, yet efficent, tools like that available for OS X? Kris
  7. K

    Java 1.4 SDK

    I'm a bit lost..and confused.. You said there was no Java SDK 1.4 for OS X. Isn't there any Java SDK for OS X at all? Do I have to use the Classic one? Can someone please clear this up? :) Kris
  8. K

    What's your most painful expense?

    My worst experiences... Once I lost a 13 pages long document. It wasn't really important, but it had a great personal value to me. I had worked on that document for weeks, but lot it in a mysterious way. Some day the file had turned into an alias, and the orginal file was deleted. The...
  9. K


    Thank you! It cleared it all up. :) I hope Apple will make it possible for different users to have differnt icons soon... The Finder should absolutely be more complex. Kris
  10. K


    I downloaded a package of really cool icons from the iconfactory today (called iPlatinum btw). I copied and pasted some of them as my hard drive icons. But two strange things occured: 1: The icons dissapeard until I logget out or re-started the Finder. 2: When I logged in as another user the...
  11. K

    Grammar matters!

    Grammar matters, sure it does. But to point at people's grammar constantly is unnecessary. I agree that the most important thing is to understand eachother. But what's even more annoying than spelling-mistakes is verbal mistakes. I don't know if this is common among people who has english as...
  12. K

    Strange resolution problem

    *sigh* First; Thank you for your suggestions. :) But the problem is still there... I tried nearly all of your suggestions, besides Alexandert's of deleting my user, and creating a new one. I doubt that would solve anything. So a re-install is just around the corner. But if this happends...
  13. K

    Your Home Page

    At home I have a blank one as the startpage, but everywhere else I set it to just to show everybody that I'm a Mac user and proud of it! :) Kris
  14. K

    Strange resolution problem

    Thank you for replying. Seems like I've still got a lot of things to learn.. :) I tried it, but the problem is still there. root's resolution was normal. Seems to me there's a bug somewhere, and that maybe a re-install is the only this that's going to help... :( But.. isn't my computer all...
  15. K

    Strange resolution problem

    Thank you for your suggestions. Originally posted by testuser "You might have some luck logging in as the root user (it needs to be enabled first using NetInfo Manager)" Enable root? I don't think that's a good idea.. I did that once, but realised it wasn't such a great idea afterall...
  16. K

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    Originally posted by Tigger "Why shouldn't they? (at least I hope they do :D )"'re probably right; I'm sure some would go well together. But maybe a UNIX-lover and Windows-lover wouldn't? ;) "Don't girls like to play computer games?" Of course we do! - I can't live without the...
  17. K

    Strange resolution problem

    I re-installed OS X, all the way from 10.1 to 10.1.4. During the 10.1.2 installation a strange error occured at the very end. It could not find a file or something, but no name or error was actually listed. I had to force a restart, and I was prepared to install it again, but installing 10.1.3...
  18. K

    Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse

    Question: Does computer-guyes go well with computer-girls? I don't think so.. Kris
  19. K


    You don't need TinkerTool to make your Terminal transparent. Much better to use the Terminal itself, and learn something in the process. To change the transparancy, you use the defaults command: defaults write TerminalOpaqueness 'x' In stead of the x you put a value...
  20. K

    X (as in Unix)

    I downloaded MacGIMP from the MacGIMP webpage and installed. But to run it I needed to update XDarwin. That was no problem. I've never used Fink, so I wouldn't know if it's easier. Doing this you can run MacGIMP with the (horrible) GUI in XDarwin. Downloading OroborOSX gives you a better...