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  1. Koelling

    Apple- Yesturday, Today, and Tomorrow

    It blew my mind reading today and someone wrote about cocoa not being very "Mac like" but I guess in some ways it's not. He was refering how carbon apps such as iTunes will live update the scripts folder and he was being very nostalgic in general. But people who hold on to...
  2. Koelling

    I'll bet 15" AluBook out tomorrow.. (just a guess)

    Originally posted by cwoody222 What's an AluBook? the Titanium PB was nicknamed the TiBook so people are likewise nicknaming the future aluminum PB the AluBook
  3. Koelling

    Summer of the Mac?

    Yeah. There are going to be some hurt feelings judging by the forums. No offence if anyone here posts there but talk about unhealthy obsession with computers. They all (seem) to have computers less than a year old and hope the new ones will double or triple performance. That's fine...
  4. Koelling

    I'll bet 15" AluBook out tomorrow.. (just a guess)

    As much as I hate putting any faith in rumor sites, none of them have predicted tomorrow and usually at least one of them gets it right. Then again, maybe because none have predicted tomorrow Apple will pull it out just to laugh at everyone... nah.
  5. Koelling

    Apple orders 40,000 970s

    heck, most of windows isn't fully 32bit yet. PCs are so mired in backwards compatibility that it's surprising there's any speed left for the programs that need to run.
  6. Koelling

    Apple orders 40,000 970s

    I really thought I've read somewhere that the power/heat consumption of the 970 was less than the G4. If that's true then it would be optimum for powerbooks. I tend to pass that off as some pipe dream influenced by the mad rumor craze happening lately. And even if it was cooler, Apple would...
  7. Koelling

    Apple should sell mix CD's in iTunes store!

    are you talking about in Apple stores? I had heard that this was in the works. You walk in with a blank cd or buy one there and walk out with a mix cd from the itunes store. The small bandwidth charges that the apple store would get would be nothing compared to the value of getting customers...
  8. Koelling

    Which Linux On My Mac

    I have a friend who is an uber-geek for linux and he swears by gentoo. He plans to get an Apple laptop for his next computer to install Gentoo (I'm still working on getting him to keep OSX around to try but I doubt he will) Anyway, I imagine it's not easy to set up (he also likes slackware...
  9. Koelling

    How can i close my music store account?

    you could turn on the shopping cart and then it's not one click any more.
  10. Koelling

    Panther Details

    Yay! or should I say, "'bout time!" A Document is equivilant to how many Words?
  11. Koelling 1.0 for WWDC

    Wow sounds like they're making great progress. I like the X11 version but it does get in the way a bit. Their efforts are well worth it!
  12. Koelling

    iChat 2.0

    you guys all want linux ;) lol Customizations are good for the power user but the newbie needs consistancy. (s)he needs to know that the computers running Panter at work will look the same as the computers running Panter at the library will look the same as the computer at home. I am always...
  13. Koelling

    Disable pico's automatic hard line-wrapping?

    yeah it's a good way to learn syntax. But remember that you wont be able to work on remote files with the graphical version. Since the files are remote you'll have to use whatever text editor the remote machine has. Usually it has more than one but if pico is all it's got then your stuck with pico.
  14. Koelling

    Disable pico's automatic hard line-wrapping?

    I highly recomend vim if you're a coder. You spend enough time writting code that it's worth while to know a good (the best) text editor. I just found a sweet thing for OSX. It's a graphical version of vim for OSX (like gvim for unix) This way you only have...
  15. Koelling

    No Pico? No Man? WTF?

    in answer to your question about not needing pico, you could do this cd /etc/cups sudo open -e mime.convs you can open any application as root but it's dangerous. This will open mime.convs in textedit (notice the -e flag on open).
  16. Koelling

    Bought an Album

    Ahh I see. Well I suppose you're right, 9.99 is a great price and that's how they do it, no shipping or manufacturing costs. I'm glad that was cleared up before I tried it and I think I may still be sold. Thanks!
  17. Koelling

    Yet another PowerBook thread

    None of you will believe me when I say a guy in one of my classes just got a 12" TinBook with the 1ghz processor, actually got it weeks ago. He claims he just asked them and they put it in for him. The sucker gets real hot and I didn't ask if he was allowed to get AppleCare (since that seems to...
  18. Koelling

    128 AAC vs 128 MP3

    128 is 128 kbs. The song files are the same size (or should be). The quality is the difference. Apple actually went back to the original artists for music so the loss experienced in making a CD isn't noticable. I can't tell the difference but that's what it is, quality at the same bitrate.
  19. Koelling

    Bought an Album

    The new service is obviously good, since I decided to buy an album within the first 15 minutes (and I don't spend money hardly ever). I stopped when I was entering credit card info, however because I wanted the album, not just the ACC files. Does anyone know if "Buy Album" is like Amazon and it...
  20. Koelling

    Will kOffice run without KDE environment?

    As far as I can tell, you not only need the whole package installed but it has to be running as well. I don't mind so much having it sit around taking up space but it's far less appealing to open kanything knowing that a lot of different parts are going to open as well. Maybe I'm wrong?