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  1. sithious

    How to convert DVD movies to Quicktime movies?

    ... ah, piracy. this is where we get back to the point where everyone here rants and raves about software piracy but seems to think mp3s and ripped dvds are okay. don't misunderstand me, i'm not in any way attacking you at all, i just find it interesting that people go mad the moment someone...
  2. sithious

    Congrats To simX

    what's that? see you too! :D :D
  3. sithious

    How to convert DVD movies to Quicktime movies?

    both, but i listen to mp3s whilst working on the mac. for watching films i'd sooner relax on the sofa in front of the tv than sit in front of my monitor ... do you prefer watching films on your monitor? all a matter of taste, i suppose ... :D
  4. sithious

    Congrats To simX

    ah. does this movie have a name? is there any chance i'll ever get to see you wearing a sac from ford? (whatever that is...)
  5. sithious

    Congrats To simX

    tell me more! did you act in it? is it a home movie, a tv movie, a cinema movie? more info please ... :)
  6. sithious

    How to convert DVD movies to Quicktime movies?

    ... this may be a stupid question, but why would you want to turn a dvd into a quicktime movie? i tend to watch my dvds on my dvd player ... lol :D
  7. sithious

    Congrats To simX

    hooray for simx! you've made a movie, herve? what's it about?
  8. sithious

    free play music

    you're right, ed. but the stuff i've bothered listening to so far sure is cheeeeesy... :D
  9. sithious

    Green Grass.

    lol, i'd give a spin if i was you, works great for me ... :)
  10. sithious

    changes since public beta??

    fisher-price? huh? what do you want? command line dos? the matrix? be glad we've got a nice gui ... :D i'd also love to know exactly what you feel is missing compared to the public beta ...
  11. sithious

    free play music

    aha! ... now that makes sense, even though i have no idea who would want to use the stuff they're offering ... :) hadn't thought about that, thanks, now i can free my mind and do other stuff ... :D
  12. sithious

    free play music

    ... can anyone tell me what the contents of the idisk folder software/extras/free play music is supposed to be in aid of? it's filled with mp3s that are just tiny little bits of songs ... what's the idea? anyone know? :)
  13. sithious

    volume structure failed?? HELP!

    ... yep, it's a unix command that basically does what disk first aid would do, so there's nothing to worry about. it cleans up file and folder structure and so on ... quite safe. :D
  14. sithious

    volume structure failed?? HELP!

    if i was you, i'd reboot in single-user mode (press apple-s after the bong), and then on prompt, type fsck -y. repeat fsck -y until you're told the volume seems to be okay, that ought to do the job. no idea what the damaged volume structure thing is, i've had it a couple of times, running fsck...
  15. sithious

    Can I make Finder ignore blank CDs?

    naughty kjetil! :D ;)
  16. sithious

    desktop pics

    mr.sparkle rides again! :D :D
  17. sithious

    Can I make Finder ignore blank CDs?

    simple, just launch toast before you insert the blank cd ... then you won't get any messages from the finder ... :D
  18. sithious

    Mac Game - Black & White on MacOS X

    nope, no problems at all ... it was a little choppy when i had it at highest resolution and texture etc., but it runs fine with not-so-high texture and resolution, which still looks pretty good ... :) be sure to update to the newest version from versiontracker though :D
  19. sithious

    This guy makes pimp-apps

    ...thanks for the tip! great stuff! :D :D
  20. sithious


    ...exactly my sentiments, ed ... :D